13 People Who Can Adapt to Any Situation

2 years ago

Comfort is extremely important, and no one will deny this fact. But sometimes our urge to feel comfy makes us use weird methods and sacrifice things. And it’s great if we can manage to control our common sense and not let our imagination run too wild: in some cases, our decisions make our lives much easier.

Bright Side has a pile of photos of people who used a really creative approach to feel comfortable. There’s also a bonus in the end proving that it’s not just human beings that can take care of themselves.

13. “My graphic design teacher’s desk is made from old Apple computers.”

12. “My coworker uses a gas mask when he cuts onions.”

11. A creative way to ask for tips

10. Use sandals with reverse soles to confuse your stalkers!

9. “I hate signing yearbooks for students, so I had a rubber stamp made.”

8. A useful tattoo

7. A nice break after a tough working day...

6. How to barbeque by the river:

5. When your arms are short:

4. “I can’t believe it took me so long to think of this! A sharpie and a pair of scissors later, and my too-long bath mat is perfect!”

3. Going on a run or a walk with no pockets? Hook any keys you need onto the back of a hat!

2. “My friend’s ’one flash card of notes’ she was allowed on her test.”

1. “A system that prevents problems with toddlers”

Bonus: “We’re trying to teach our cat to stay off the coffee table. This is his response.”

Do you know people who can adapt to any changes?

Please note: This article was updated in June 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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I can't even manage to stay and walk in heels for a long time.. but these ladies are my superheroes ?


I have seen something even better than #5 :D

Also one paper for the exam

Comment with image on Bright Side

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