Traveling by train is often filled with a special romance that comes from the changing scenery outside the window and the measured clatter of the wheels. But fellow travelers and their quirks definitely add a lot to this charm.
I was travelling alone in a third class compartment with 3 men. Before that, I hadn’t slept for several days, so I passed out instantly. I woke up at 5 a.m. from the feeling that someone was hugging me from behind. I was stunned with surprise. Then I quietly turned my head and was stunned even more, because I was staring at a medium-sized dog, nestled on the edge of my bunk. As it turned out later, it was traveling at the end of the carriage with its owner, who had fallen asleep and dropped the leash. The dog got bored and went for a walk around the carriage. And it chose me, probably because I have 2 dogs at home. This tailed guy’s name was Trojan, and he knows how to make a nice move on a girl.