20 Insane Thanksgiving Stories We Doubt You’ve Heard Before

4 months ago

Did you know that the first Thanksgiving celebrations would last for three straight days, including oysters, lobsters, and eels? No matter how pleasant and exciting this day is for most people, sometimes things don’t go as planned. They simply turn into once-in-a-lifetime stories you can’t help but share with people. This is exactly what these 20 online users have done.

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  • My dad had an allergic reaction to a shrimp cocktail before dinner and his face blew up. He refused to come out of the kitchen or sit at the table with us. He was just eating his food in the kitchen and trying to act like things were normal, like yelling out “Hey, good mashed potatoes this year, huh?” Meanwhile, my mom is anger-crying at the table, telling us to just eat the food that she worked all day on. Eventually, my mom convinces my dad that she needs to take him to the ER. @Skr000 / Reddit
  • So, 25 years ago my son was born in early November. My mom’s family is all prim and proper. So my adopted brother takes my 2-week-old son to check his diaper during dinner. Came back with a diaper in hand saying it didn’t look right and proceeded to smell it. So, he tasted it. Everyone is flipping out. He filled a clean diaper with pumpkin pie filling it was hilarious. @fordfan289 / Reddit
  • My grandma accidentally poured dish soap on the turkey instead of oil. Might have been one of the funniest but most upsetting things I’ve ever seen. @Gjlynch22 / Reddit
  • Oh yeah, my 81-year-old mother-in-law suddenly became vegan last year, right before Thanksgiving. I, too, went out of my way to make all of these extras, and then my kids told me she was eating CHICKEN the week before with them. Apparently, she’s not vegan this year. @genredenoument / Reddit
  • My cousin tried showing us “the boot trick”. It was a way to get the cork out of a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. You put the bottom of the bottle in your shoe and hit it against the wall and it’s supposed to get the cork out. He gathers us all outside to show us how it works. We’re all standing in my aunt’s driveway to see the trick. Upon hitting the wall the entire bottle shatters and his shoe is soaked in red wine. @CecilWeasle / Reddit
  • Ah, the worst one was probably where the entire family (an odd 20 or so) got sick so we all had to take turns going into the bathroom to throw up for the rest of the night. Nobody ate the Turkey after that. @TysontheCanadian / Reddit
  • My family had a Thai exchange student during Thanksgiving one year. Thanksgiving is huge in our family—35+ people at dinner, tons of food, appetizers out the wazoo, etc—and this was going to be her first and only Thanksgiving, so we played up how exciting it was. We told her that there was going to be a ton of food, so don’t eat a big breakfast! She ended up not eating anything at all on Wednesday or Thursday morning and fainted in my uncle’s living room on Thanksgiving day. Turned out that she didn’t know what that word meant, and didn’t know she was allowed to eat the food that was spread out all over the coffee table and bar. We almost had to take her to the emergency room because her English wasn’t quite good enough to explain why she fainted and we thought something was seriously wrong. After all that, she ended up not even liking the food. @ostentia
  • My mother dropped a frozen turkey in a fryer. It sprayed hot oil about 20 feet. Fortunately, I was standing behind my mother and all of the kids were far enough away they didn't get hit. The turkey was still pretty good even after being rewarmed after getting back from the ER. @jen1980
  • I have 3 sisters, all much older. 9, 13, and 15 years older. So, they were always far ahead of me in life. They all had families and children etc. I cannot have children, which they did not know. We are at the Thanksgiving table and things are tense because they usually insult me. They start in on me about having children, and I say my husband and I are in the process of adopting. My oldest sister says, "That is not having children". @newbieprogrammer2 / Reddit
  • We had all of the food out in the kitchen at my aunt's house. We all were in the living room and heard a commotion. Merle, my cousin's boyfriend's huge yellow lab, had helped himself to the turkey. He had pulled it from the table onto the floor. It has been almost 14 years: I still give Merle the side-eye when we eat around him! @OpheliaPaine / Reddit
  • My mom and sister have a plethora of food allergies, determined by an allergist. My mom’s sister is a terrible cook but thinks she is not and likes to be the center of attention, so she either insists on hosting or on bringing something. She also thinks she has the same allergies as my mom, but that they were cured by her chiropractor. She regularly serves or brings food my mom and sister cannot have, and gets annoyed when my mom won’t eat the bread or cheese or mushrooms or shrimp or hummus or whatever else. @Eden-Mackenzie / Reddit
  • My grandpa and grandma got divorced, and my grandpa remarried. One Thanksgiving, my not-so-well grandpa stood and declared he regretted letting my grandma divorce him, and that it was the biggest mistake of his life. Right in front of his current wife. @bmbmjmdm / Reddit
  • Last year my parents were discussing my younger brother, who's in college and wanted to take a gap semester. They were concerned because he already wasn't showing much focus and they were worried that if he took a gap semester then he would never go back. I tried to reassure them by reminding them that I, like him, really hated college the first time I went, but then I went back a second time and had more drive and focus because the second attempt was based on my desire to improve myself, rather than just trying to please them. And my dad very calmly and casually said, "Yeah, well, you're not exactly the role model we want him to emulate." And that was pretty much the most savage thing my dad ever said to me. @Panhead09 / Reddit
  • Well, there was one year where we argued over Muppets, how to defrost satellite dishes, took apart the cabinets, and ended the night by flinging carrots at each other. @SilentSchitter / Reddit
  • My family's foreign friend was celebrating her first American Thanksgiving with us, and she didn't realize the gravy boat wasn't attached to the tray. Her plate was a lake. Whenever she comes back the the US we laugh about it with her. @Scared_Departure / Reddit
  • I had 15 people coming for dinner. I was advised the adult son of one couple is vegan. I go out of my way to make sure he can have almost everything on the menu using vegan "butter", etc. Make separate mashed potatoes, and gravy, as well as a portobello and chestnut wellington for a substantial main. Half an hour before arrival time, receive a call that they are not coming. That's right, a half an hour's notice that vegans and parents are not attending. Not even with an acceptable excuse. Lovely. @nonchalantly_weird / Reddit
  • One year, I invited a friend and her family. They arrived. Her husband took over the remote in the great room, turned on YouTube, and put on pimple-popping videos while they all sat there watching it like this was normal. It's time to eat. I set a beautiful table. I called everyone to sit down and suddenly the pimple-popping husband had to use the bathroom. TEN MINUTES LATER, we're all still sitting there waiting while my food gets cold. I finally said, "Let's just go ahead and start". He finally comes up and we're all almost finished eating and he dares to say "Gee guys, thanks for waiting for me". @IloveCorfu

Do you like reading annoying stories about other people's lives? Stories about exes are often very intriguing. These experiences are like a true nightmare we hope none of you ever experience.

Preview photo credit fordfan289 / Reddit


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