17 Natural Phenomena Only a Few People Were Lucky Enough to See

5 years ago

We know that nature is beautiful, but we often only see the more ordinary parts of its beauty. But it has so much more to offer — things that are hard to explain and just as hard to forget. We’re used to enjoying nice views of mountains and such but that’s not the best it’s got! Nature can be a whole different kind of beautiful!

Blue Lava is the cooler name for a chemical reaction that creates electric-blue flames from the Kawah Ijen crater on the island, Java.

Dirty thunderstorms (volcanic lightning) are created by colliding particles of volcanic ash.

Salar de Uyuni is a salt flat in Bolivia and it reflects the sky when small amounts of water flood it!

A thing called bioluminescence makes the waves glow blue and it’s absolutely fascinating.

Upper-atmospheric lightning is a lot bigger and scarier than the bolts of lightning we normally see.

When the sun is setting it turns this waterfall into gold.

A perfectly circular ice disk formed in a river in Westbrook, Maine and it looks incredible.

A flock of starlings is called a murmuration.

An underwater river in Cenote Angelita, Mexico

Supercells are just thunderstorms characterized by the presence of a mesocyclone in them which makes them rotate.

The Morning Glory cloud is a rare meteorological phenomenon that makes rolled clouds.

tidal bore is a tidal phenomenon in which the leading edge of the incoming tide forms a wave (or waves) of water that travels against the direction of the river or bay’s current.

Wave Rock is a natural rock formation in Australia. It’s shaped like a wave and is 49 ft (15 meters) tall.

Asperitas is a cloud formation that may look ominous, but most of the time it dissipates without a storm forming.

Fairy circles are created by sand termites and typically happen in places that have a certain type of vegetation.

Frozen trees called Sentinels of the Arctic guard the north.

There are beautiful ice caves underneath the Mendenhall glacier in Alaska.

Please note: This article was updated in March 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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The ice disk in Westbrook looks like a moon, that fell in the river! Do you see it too, guys?


And now we are lucky to see it too, even on the photos.


It took me quite some time to understand what it is in the photo. I thought it was water!
What an amazing shot!

Comment with image on Bright Side

Nature is wonderful! I hope one day I will be able to see some of these things with my own eyes too ?


The pillars of light bring back really great memories! I use to live in Minot, ND in the 1980's. If the temperature and wind was just right, dozens of people would go to the hill tops overlooking Minot and watch the light pillars form as the sun was going down, or the sun was already down. Back then it was very difficult to get a good picture of the light pillars because they move and forth and technology did allow for open shutters to catch the pillars clearly. It is one of my fondest memories of my time there.


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