At least later model Hyundais won't blend in since they're so eye-catching.

Perhaps each of us has a story that we can’t tell someone because we still feel embarrassed about the things that happened in it. All these small secrets are usually kept private until the moment we find someone trustworthy with whom we dare to share all our epic fails.
We at Bright Side wish every one of our readers could meet such a person. But until then, we’re publishing the stories of people who got into awkward situations and weren’t afraid to share them with the entire Internet.
One time, a colleague and I were at a seminar. We were sitting in the front row and the lecturer was giving a long, boring, and monotonous speech. It was early morning, the weather was warm, and the sun was shining through the window right on us. At some point, I hear the phrase right in my ear, “Are you feeling really good or really bad?” I got up in shock and realized I laid my head down on my colleague’s shoulder — I was lying with my nose buried in her shoulder and smiling. I was having a dream about my husband. Everyone around was keeping silent and looking at me. Moreover, this colleague had a son born 1 week prior to this, which made me look even worse in everyone’s eyes. © Snail / AdMe
I was singing along to my Spotify playlist during a boring meeting via Zoom. Turns out, I was NOT muted as I had thought. I could’ve crawled into a hole and never gotten out of it. © farts_n_darts / Reddit
It happened a long time ago when I was pregnant. My husband and I dropped in a shop at the seaside and I saw a flounder fish. It was huge with spikes, and it cost a lot too. Amazed, I hugged my husband, tickled behind his ear, and murmured, “Shall we buy it?” At this moment, I realized it was not my husband. My husband was standing to the left and I hugged a complete stranger. © Oksana Zveryanskaya / Facebook
Once, when entering a museum of wax figures, I gave my entry ticket to a wax figure sitting at the entrance. Only later did I see the eyes of the shocked controller. He was sitting nearby. © Valeriia Zamishlyaeva / Facebook
I was trying on a lot of different slippers, and when I finally found a pair that fit, I proceeded to put the other slippers back on the display. I managed to arrange them all except for one. So I was going around the shop trying to remember where I took this slipper from, and then realized the slipper I was holding was quite worn and it belonged to another customer in the shop... © purpleshirtbluepants / Reddit
Once, my childhood friend, who I hadn’t seen in years, invited me to his birthday. Shortly before his birthday, I happened to break up with my boyfriend but I had already bought a present for Valentine’s Day. It was a photo frame with hearts on it. I didn’t have money to buy another present for my friend so I decided to insert our photo into the frame and wrote on the card how much I loved him (of course, I meant as a friend). So I get to the party and give him the present, and he introduces me to his girlfriend. Of course, everyone thought that I had just confessed my deep feelings to him. I have never seen so many people looking at me askew. Later, they got married and my friend still doesn’t know I didn’t have the money to buy him a present at that time. I still feel ashamed. © Overheard / Ideer
I was replacing a teacher as a sub. So I get into the room, there are students in it, and I start the lecture: “Our subject is very important because the results will be indicated in the final project.” The students start to look at me with eyes full of horror. It doesn’t stop me and I keep saying similar phrases to them for the next 15 minutes. Then I see that absolutely all the students in the room looked shocked. I felt that something was wrong. Turned out, that those were freshmen and it was their first lesson in math. My speech for cynical graduates shocked them to the core. I snuck out of the room and headed to the graduates who aren’t afraid of anything. © Julya Fedorchuk / Facebook
When I was 18, a friend and I were interning as train conductors. Almost instantly, a line consisting of young guys appeared behind us. One guy was extremely persistent and was following each step. When I ran out of patience, I asked him to leave in an abrupt manner. He said, “Young lady, I didn’t come to you but to your friend. Let her ask me to leave if she wants to.” That was a punch to my inflated ego! Now the situation seems funny to me, and yes, I did learn my lesson! © Ella Bernstein / Facebook
Will you tell us a story that you feel embarrassed about?
At least later model Hyundais won't blend in since they're so eye-catching.
Back in grade school we had specific PE shoes that could only be worn in the gym and we couldn't wear anything else (stupid and annoying) if you lost your PE shoes, took them home or they got too small or something else happened and you didn't/couldn't bring them to class there was a bin of random PE shoes that you could borrow and return. One week in early spring I stepped in a nasty puddle on the day of PE and I had a change of socks but didn't have my extra (I had up to 4 pairs of shoes at school plus slippers haha) pair of shoes that day, so I was wearing my PE shoes outside and when it came time to go to the gym and change our shoes I needed to borrow some. There was another girl in my class that had the same sized feet that also was borrowing shoes that day because of an incedent similar to mine, so she got the pair in the size bigger than ours there wasn't another pair within 3 sizes, so I was desperately looking around and finally found a pair of boys shoes which wasn't ideal and they were a bit too big but generally alright. I wore them the entire time, and when it came time to take them off, there was a classmate standing right there...
Yeah, they were his outside shoes!