20 People That Prove Time Flies Incredibly Fast

2 years ago

Time flies incredibly fast and everything changes in a glimpse of an eye. Hopefully, for us, we all are its pilots. So even if it is impossible to remember how many days or weeks went by, there’s always enough time to enjoy what we love and take a few photos that’ll bring vivid memories of how it all started.

1. “True love, 13 years later”

2. “My beagle turned 16 today. Had her since she was born.”

3. “Same picture, 1 year apart”

4. “He grew up! Happy birthday, Kruger.”

5. “My official Sears Winnie the Pooh (1985) and my son’s official Disney Winnie the Pooh (2015).”

6. “2 photos of me with the very same plant from 1999.”

7. “My nephew and his great-great-grandfather.”

8. “My little twin.”

9. “Me 30 years ago and my 8-month-old daughter today.”

10. “One year later — and he’s still got some more growing to do!”

11. “Adoption day vs 1 year later”

12. “He’s been happy and healthy around his dad and me this entire year.”

13. “I imagine Jerry said: ’Ok, but you can only sleep there for one night.’ One year later, she still snuggles up to her big brother.”

14. “He still loves to be held like a baby.”

15. From a pumpkin into a baby. That’s magic!

16. “Our good boy 3 years later”

17. “Pepper almost a year later.”

18. “Fluffball to kerchunk in a year. Same spot — taken on her gotcha day.”

19. “16 years later”

20. “Mickey made it through Boo’s first year of life with only minimal damage. He’s still a favorite of hers.”

Do you have any recreated photos in your collection? What other things do you use to keep a close watch on all the changes that happen over time?

Preview photo credit upsidedownlunchbox / Reddit


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