20+ People Who Stumbled Upon Unusual Sights

2 years ago

We hate to break it to you, but once-in-a-lifetime rarities we experience in our lifetime are not that extraordinary, according to mathematician David Hand. They also happen to other people around the world. But who’s keeping score, anyway? What’s important is that we appreciate each moment with our eyes wide open and a handy camera too!

1. “Found these mushrooms growing in a nearly straight line from a parking lot to a recycle bin.”

2. “This micro-phone I found at a flea market”

3. “A spot where glacier water and water from a spring meet”

4. “The Ruffles I bought from a vending machine at work had a dollar bill taped to it.”

5. “I saw the end of a rainbow in my yard today.”

6. “This long carrot”

7. “My plant ate a lizard.”

8. “Found this doll in Sequoia National Park that looks like me.”

9. “Clearing out my grandfather’s attic and found just over 200 grams of gold powder.”

10. “The difference between my pupils after a visit to the ophthalmologist”

11. “Dog-dog”

12. “A perfect water puddle”

13. “Found a baby lobster in a Texas truck yard.”

14. “These sharks sleeping near the shore”

15. “Lost my dog to diabetes a year and a half ago, and I think he likes to send me love from heaven.”

16. “This jalapeño looks ready to brawl.”

17. “My thumb looks like a toe and is exactly 1-inch wide.”

18. “These brand new shopping carts that came in just minutes ago.”

19. “This pigeon perched on my hand to eat.”

20. “I only meant to get a picture of a rainbow but the storm had other ideas.”

21. “The way my skin tries to re-pigment in the summer”

22. “This is what a goose mouth looks like when you get real close.”

23. “A bench with pivoting backrest so the user can face either direction.”

24. “A greeting on the bottom of my hand soap”

25. “I found a park bench in memory of someone who is still alive.”

26. “This pile of spilled seeds on the road started growing.”

27. “My grandmother has a cactus growing on her roof.”

What was a unique experience you couldn’t forget? Have these moments from our list ever happened to you?

Preview photo credit Mountainbranch / Reddit


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