14 People Who Have a Magical Appearance

year ago

Many people strive to meet regular beauty standards but they often forget that there are no boundaries to real beauty. Just look at these people!

Bright Side believes that beauty will save the world. And if you ever need a team of beauty-savvy superheroes, then you’d definitely want these guys!

Everyone is free to create their own image.

This is not a doll, it’s a talented artist!

If Merida were real:

Heredity at work

She looks like she is from a different planet.

This is what happens when you have roots in Vietnam, Senegal, and France!

Not a flaw, but a feature

A beauty with innate eye moles

Albino people are very rare among the Eastern population.

It’s as if there are two souls within him.

A model with unbelievably big eyes

This particular shape of eyes

There’s no such thing as too many beautiful features.

Have you ever seen people who are unconventionally beautiful? Are you one of them? Tell us about it in the comments!

Preview photo credit hairstylesgents / instagram


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