20 Tips That Experienced Travelers and Airline Workers Usually Don’t Share

5 years ago

Many people are afraid to fly on planes and this is often connected with the stress that air travel causes — it always seems we’ve forgotten to take something important, that we are afraid to be late, and that we pray for a smooth landing from the moment we get on the plane. In order to avoid unnecessary worries, it’s better to prepare for your flight a bit differently.

We at Bright Side like to travel and collect tried and true tips and ideas that help even the most experienced tourists get through their flight with the maximum amount of comfort.

20. Tissues can replace a bottle of perfume on a short trip, while parchment paper will can prevent wrinkles.

It’s quite simple: take a usual tissue, spray it with perfume and put it close to the collar of your clothing item, then fold it in a usual manner. The longer the tissue stays with the fabric, the better it will transfer the smell of the perfume.

It’s better to use baking parchment for easy-to-crease items — it is denser and prevents the appearance of unwanted folds on clothes.

19. Vacuum cleaner and plastic bags will help reduce the volume of things.

Rolled up clothing items can be placed to plastic bags and zipped almost fully, leaving a small hole. With the help of a vacuum cleaner, the air should get sucked out through this hole, after which the bag should be zipped fully. If you have a lot of things to carry, it’s better to use special vacuum bags.

This type of packaging will help you organize things by category and protect your clothes if something leaks into your suitcase.

18. Extra muscle exercises will help you get rid of jet lag.

If you run a couple of miles or dedicate an hour to fitness training before a trip, going to sleep after your flight will be easier and faster, due to the tiredness of your muscles. It will help your body to adjust to a different time zone quicker.

17. The more baggage labels you have on your suitcase, the higher your chances are to lose it.

If airport workers don’t notice an old label during a check-in, the computer in the baggage department might scan its barcode and mistakenly send your baggage in the wrong direction. That’s the reason why luggage often gets lost on connecting flights. In order to prevent this situation, it’s better to check-in your luggage for every segment of the flight, instead of checking it in to its final destination point.

The first thing the airline that finds the ownerless baggage does is to open it to determine the owner by the things inside. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep a card or a sticker with your contact information and address inside.

16. An ordinary candle will protect your suitcase and shoes from mud, snow, and rain.

Wax creates a thin layer that repels liquid. All you need to do is rub the dry surface of a textile bag or footwear with an ordinary candle.

15. It’s worth keeping the testers of your favorite cosmetic items in your wallet.

Ask for testers when you make purchases in beauty stores and check the magazines and booklets that many shops and airlines give you for free. Testers are indispensable on short trips and help a lot when your hand baggage has no free space for bottles with liquid.

14. A T-shirt can replace a cover for your suitcase.

Here is how you can do it: the T-shirt should be placed over the suitcase so that its long handle goes through the neckline. Also, make sure to make a cut in the place where the side handle is that loaders use for carrying the luggage.

This cover will create extra protection from damage and also prevent any possible theft, because thieves prefer luggage that can be easily opened and avoid bags and suitcases in covers or those that are wrapped in film.

13. Your phone battery charges faster and lasts longer if you keep it in the refrigerator.

This trick is perfect if you are in a hot country and want to charge your battery properly before traveling. Place the phone in a waterproof plastic bag and put it on the lower shelf of the fridge. After several hours, charge it fully.

12. You can bring your waist bag on board free of charge, but you may be charged extra for a handbag.

During the flight, your hand luggage has to be stored in the luggage compartment above you or placed under the seat in front of you. That’s why it’s better to not keep documents, tickets, money, a phone, or a charger in it. A crossbody bag or clutch (even the small ones) often fall under this requirement too. Moreover, if there are other items in your carry-on bag, some air companies might ask you to pay for extra space for it.

A waist bag is not considered a full-fledged carry-on luggage, it’s also not required for you to store it in the luggage compartment. There is no extra charge for it, even onboard airlines with strict luggage rules. Therefore, you should keep your most important items in there.

11. A look that is too stylish can be the reason why you might be asked to go through a full security inspection and made to remove all your clothes.

Modern scanners can see through a person, but even they are not always able to distinguish fashionable jewelry from a dangerous object. If you don’t want to end up being inspected and asked to remove all your clothes by the security officers, make sure to put all of your accessories (even belts and jewelry) in your handbag before the checkpoint.

10. A heating pad can relieve muscle tension, while a massaging pillow can help relax your neck.

A heating pad can heat up to 120°F within a couple of minutes and keeps its warmth for 3-4 hours. It relieves pain and tension in the muscles and warms you up if it’s chilly on a plane. The main thing is to activate the “hot regime” before the security check, so that its filler turns from a liquid to a solid.

When choosing a travel pillow, you should pay attention to 3 things:

  • the presence of a fastener for attaching it to a suitcase or a bag, in order to not have to carry the pillow in your hands or not have to put it into your bag;
  • whether the natural neck position is off while using the pillow;
  • extra functions such as in-built massagers, which will prevent the neck from getting numb and provide comfortable relaxation.

If you forgot to take a pillow, you can use the blanket that every air company provides to its passengers. You can create the necessary neck support with its help, see the photo above.

9. An airline might ask you to change your seat, even if you have already paid for it.

If you paid for a seat on a plane, and in the end, you were asked to change it, there is no point in arguing with onboard staff — they are simply following their instructions. The best way is to send a claim to the airline in written form and have them refund your money.

It’s important to know that seats in the first row of the economy class section are given to parents with babies, and seats next to the window are given to passengers with animals. Children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those who have any health problems shouldn’t sit in the emergency exits. Keep these rules in mind while checking-in online, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles.

8. Some masks are good for wearing on planes, others are better to be used on the ground.

The air in airplanes is dirty and dry, that’s why it is better to wear a medical mask on flights that last longer than 3 hours. Especially when it’s flu season.

A gel mask can be useful too — if you cool it down by holding it under a stream of cold water, you can use it to remove a slight headache. A moisturizing cloth mask is better to be used after the flight.

7. A scarf can help relax your legs and relieve pressure on your spine during the flight.

You can create a self-made hammock for your legs by adjusting the scarf around the tray table — it will help relieve spine and neck pressure and contribute to helping you fall asleep faster.

6. Most foods and drinks on board are unhealthy.

Due to pressure drops in the aircraft, our blood vessels expand and our digestion process slows down. That sounds like a good reason to refuse soft drinks, alcohol, and food offered onboard, even for a healthy person.

In order to not feel hungry, opt for healthy and easy-to-digest products like unsalted crackers, dried fruits, low-fat cheese.

It is recommended to not eat meat, mushrooms, cereal, beans, and various cheeses. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and greens can become a good alternative to salted nuts. By the way, a simple salad bought in a cafe or in the airport cafeteria is permitted to be taken onboard — just ask the staff to pack it for takeaway.

5. The onboard sky shop allows you to order tasty and hot coffee that can be poured into your own personal cup.

The coffee onboard is often diluted with warm, but not boiled water from the aircraft tank, so drinking it is not recommended. Instead, you can order a ready-made coffee drink in a sealed individual package from the flight attendant and ask them to warm it up. By the way, any drink can be poured into your own personal Thermos cup.

4. A plane seat can be turned into a baby bed with the help of an air mattress.

The internet offers ready to use accessories with special inflated legs for better fixation. Moreover, one can easily make a baby bed themselves from an air mattress, by adjusting it to the seat with the help of the seatbelts.

3. A drink with electrolytes protects against dehydration on board, fermented milk products restore your intestines after the flight.

To prevent dehydration during the flight, grab electrolytes in the form of soluble tablets that can be diluted with plain water. Any fermented milk product without additives will remove the uncomfortable feeling in your guts after landing.

2. Sometimes it’s more profitable to cancel an old ticket and buy a new one, than to exchange it.

Ticket exchange conditions at many airlines require a significant surcharge. As a result, you can buy a new ticket and cancel the old one for the same amount or even cheaper.

Sometimes even non-refundable ticket money can be refunded. For example:

  • if your flight was canceled
  • if you were not boarded on the flight you paid for
  • if the flight was delayed for a long time and it changed your plans drastically
  • if you or your close relative with whom you were going to fly with got sick
  • if a member of your family or a close relative died.

1. The duration of the flight and the price of the ticket don’t depend on the distance, but on the route of the airline.

Pay attention to the route of the flight before buying the ticket. The fees for flying over various countries differ. Moreover, some airlines are forbidden to fly into the air space of certain countries, which is why they have to opt for the not-so-profitable, longer routes. This all forms the final price of the ticket.

For example, during a flight from Moscow to Sofia, one airline flies along the direct route and the price for the ticket includes one piece of baggage. Another airline makes a loop in the sky which makes the ticket more expensive and charges extra money for the luggage.

What tricks and advice help you on your trips? We would be glad to hear from you in the comments!

Preview photo credit gettyimages, gettyimages


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If I keep all the favorite testers in my wallet, it will never close :DD


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