21 Realistic 3D Tattoos Only the Bravest Would Dare to Get

5 years ago

3D drawings can hardly surprise anyone these days. But 3D tattoos look just as cool. Only top-notch professionals can create a 3D tattoo of flowers, abstract objects, and even ordinary camping tents that look absolutely real. Today, we present you with a collection of such masterpieces!

1. One of the unusual 3D tattoo designs.

2. Cool 3D tattoo design for men.

3. And some 3D tattoos for women.

4. Unusual 3D tattoos design idea.

5. This one should be made by a really cool 3D tattoos artist.

6. Unusual leg 3D tattoo.

7. Big chest 3D tattoo.

8. Unusual 3D tattoo on leg.

9. Lion 3D tattoo.

10. 3D stylish tattoo.

11. Really small 3D tattoo.

12. Arm 3D tattoo.

13. 3D abstract tattoo.

14. 3D universe tattoo.

15. 3D scratch tattoo.

16. 3D flower tattoo on a leg.

17. Cool 3D tattoo shadow.

18. One of the coolest 3D tattoo ideas.

19. Unusual 3D tattoo.

20. 3D tattoo butterfly.

21. Great 3D tattoo idea for women.


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These tattoos are an actual piece of art. Every single one of them
Professionally done work, I'm amazed


#8 is really that cool that I would actually get the same one myself! :)


#22 looks stunning.. I find a slightly too big, but I would probably like to the it on a shoulder or so


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