23 Animals That Used to Be Homeless and Now Have Families

6 years ago

Finding an owner for an animal from a shelter is one of the biggest joys ever. At their forever home, they transform a lot, turning into the most loyal and loving friends. According to statistics, every year there are more and more concerned people who are interested in having a pet. Any of us can make a cat or dog happy.

We at Bright Side have prepared a list of photos that show just how much adopted animals transform. And these happy faces are really moving.

1. When we met her in the shelter my daughter immediately started whispering in her ear, “You’re okay, we’ll take you home and keep you safe, we love you already.”

2. “Walked into the shelter and asked which cat had been there the longest... Came home with a deaf, toothless, senior lovebug. Meet Cali!”

3. “Melvin: Found in a trash heap in June 2012. He spent his first night in his forever home sleeping on me. 6 years later, it’s still his favorite place to be.”

4. “Violet was an Easter present to a young child who lost interest. She was kept in a tiny wire cage in their basement and forgotten about. Now she lives cage-free and sleeps in bed with me every night.”

5. “From ‘take me home’ to ‘never let me go.’ We adore our little dude.”

6. “Penny the night we got her. Someone turned her into my precinct after she was abandoned in sub-freezing temps. Penny today being smiley about her new home.”

7. “Ride from the shelter vs Ride for fun”

8. “Saved this little guy from traffic at 5 AM...”

9. This little guy has a home forever now.

10. “Girlfriend and I adopted this dude from the shelter yesterday. He follows her everywhere and does this when she sits down.”

11. “Adopted this morning, and he already claimed his spot!”

12. At the shelter vs 30 minutes after being adopted

13. First ride home from the shelter

14. “Rescued last night, settled in 2 hours later, and slept with me all night.”

15. “The night we found her at the shelter vs Almost 3 years later”

16. “Nobody needed him. Now we love him.”

17. “Found a kitten in a box outside a shelter. Months later, here’s Penny! ”

18. “This is Gina. She’s my favorite baby at the shelter.”

19. “2 years ago today I started fostering this 7-week old kitten, that only weighed 1.3 pounds after being abandoned by the woods near my local animal shelter. After a few weeks, he felt better, I fell in love, and he never left.”

20. “Before and after: (left) shivering, scared, cutie pie at an adoption event after being rescued as a code red from a high kill shelter, (right) 3 weeks later, handsome, confident boy after his first grooming session!”

21. “This is Mars on the left, when I found him in a shelter after being picked up off the streets. The picture on the right is 2 days later. 4 years later he’s the best dog you could ask for.”

22. “This is Blu. Blu was just adopted. No matter how tired Blu gets she won’t sleep unless we all do. We think she does this because she is afraid that we will bring her back to the shelter. Blu is never going back. She is home.”

23. “After years of renting apartments without enough space for a dog, I finally saved enough to mortgage a house with a yard and adopted this sweet girl.”

Would you like to adopt an animal from a shelter? Or maybe, you already have such a friend? Tell us in the comment section below.

Preview photo credit br1dg1d / Reddit


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This is so beautiful. Adopting animals rather than buying them from pet stores is so important!


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