23 Ocean Species That Look Like They’re From Another Planet

4 years ago

We’re used to seeing land-roaming animals and we’re used to seeing birds flying in the sky. But there’s an entire world of creatures living and thriving below sea level. So far, we know about almost 230,000 sea species and are still sure that there are a lot more out there. Every year, new discoveries add to our amusement. These sea creatures have a distinctive color and their body structure makes them look like something from a cartoon or a fantasy movie.

Bright Side compiled a selection of 23 sea creatures that are sure to mesmerize you with their appearance.

1. Sea Angel

These are swimming sea plugs usually found in large groups. These have been discovered in all kinds of climatic conditions including polar regions, under sea ice, and in equatorial tropic seas.

2. Elysia chlorotica

It is a small to medium-sized species of sea slug known as marine opisthobranch gastropod mollusk. They are a “solar-powered sea slug” which means it utilizes solar energy via chloroplasts from its algal food.

3. Australian ghost shark

It is a kind of cartilaginous fish, belonging to the Holocephali family. It is found in southern Australia, Tasmania, and on the south of East Cape and Kaipara Harbour in New Zealand. It is generally found at depths of 0 m to 200 m (0 ft to 656 ft).

4. Furry sea slugs

They look cute, but that covering on their body is not just a furry coat — they are small rods known as caryophyllidia. They have shorter life spans from a few months to a year.

5. Deep-sea octopus

These dozens of octopuses were found deep inside over a rocky patch of sea, while geochemists were exploring and collecting samples of warm fluids emerging from the cracks in the volcanic rocks. These octopuses belonged to genus Muusoctopus, that were pink, plate-sized creatures with enormous eyes.

6. A green-eyed crab

It has not yet been determined why it has green eyes. All we know so far about this new species is that these hermit crabs use another creature’s shells as their home. These were found at 650 ft and 900 ft below the surface.

7. A transparent frog

The transparent frog is just 0.8 in long and it has a glass body. They are a part of the Ecuadorean Amazon.

8. Baby squid

This purple baby squid was discovered by the E/V Nautilus team off the coast of California. It is said to be related to cuttlefish and is generally found in the Pacific Ocean.

9. Blue dragon-glaucus atlanticus

As beautiful as it looks, it is also extremely deadly. These were found on the shores of Australia. They feed on poisonous jellyfish and then absorb it to use it back through their stinger.

10. Leafy sea dragon

The leafy sea dragon is the only member of the genus Phycodurus. Its leafy body structure works as a camouflage for him. It is generally found along the southern and western coasts of Australia.

11. Halitrephes Jelly

These are the species of deep-sea hydrozoan of the family Halicreatidae. They were found at a depth of 4,000-5,000 ft near the Revillagigedo Archipelago off of Baja California, Mexico.

12. Sea Pen (Merisulat)

Sea pens are found in tropical and temperate waters and at the depths of over 6,100 m. They generally group with the octocorals and with sea whips or gorgonians.

13. Mantis shrimp

Mantis shrimp grow up to 10 cm in length. The longest recorded so far was 38 cm. These have been declared as the most important predators in many shallow, tropical, and sub-tropical marine habitats.

14. Sea Lamprey

These belong to the northern hemisphere. They have an eel-like body without paired fins. They are found in the northern and the western parts of the Atlantic Ocean along the shores of Europe and North America.

15. Candy crab

They are also popular by many other names like Brachyura Crabs, Spider Crabs, True Crabs, Hoplophrys oatesii, and Commensal Soft Coral Crab. They can grow up to 2 cm in length and can camouflage themselves to match the color of coral where it lives.

16. Crossota Norvegica Jellyfish

This newly-found species belongs to the family of Crossota millsae and is found in the Arctic Ocean at depths below 1,000 m. Its body length can reach up to only 2 cm.

17. Venus flytrap anemone

This deep-sea species closes its tentacles to capture prey and to protect itself. It is found in bathyal depths in deep water canyons in the Gulf of Mexico.

18. Baby Slipper Lobster

These are closely related to spiny lobsters and furry lobsters. They have enlarged antennae that are projected forward from the head as wide plates. They are of great commercial importance, as well.

19. Poisonous Sea Slug

Also known as sea cucumbers, these have an elongated body and leathery skin. They are found on sea floors all around the world.

20. Pacific Blackdragon

It lives in the deep waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean at a depth of 700 to 3,300 ft (200-1000 m). They also migrate toward the surface at night after they prey on small crustaceans and other fishes.

21. Vampire Squid

They are found in temperate and tropical oceans in extreme deep-sea conditions. It can reach a maximum total length of 30 cm (1 ft).

22. Munnopsis

They are the genus of isopods. They generally swim around at deep-sea levels and can grow up to just 1-2 cm. They have greatly enlarged antennae.

23. Coconut octopus

They grow up to a length of approximately 3 in and are mostly found in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, from Australia to South Africa, Southern Japan, New Guinea, Indonesia, and India. They generally prefer to live alone and hunt at dusk and dawn only. They can be found at a depth of 600 ft in a muddy area.

What did you think of these fantastical creatures? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!


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So amazing creatures! However, I wouldn't like to meet one in the sea hahahahahaha Am I right?


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