25 Pictures That Show Us the Similarities Between Toddlers and Pets

3 years ago

Welcoming a pet into your life can be as challenging as having a toddler wander around the house. Our fur-kids also demand our constant attention; they have attachment objects, such as a “blankie,” they love hiding toys, or even themselves, in unreachable places; and they can be very naughty. They also learn at an early age that they can get away with anything as long as they show that disarming sorry look on their faces.

We at Bright Side just adore animals who let their true personalities shine and want to share this captivating compilation with you.

1. “Bentley likes to hide his toy mice under one specific sofa. Here he is with the 13 I pulled out today.”

2. “Mistakes were made.”

3. “Today was his birthday.”

4. “Have you ever been so tired that you fell asleep with half a goldfish in your mouth?”

5. “Bath time for Roy”

6. “Somebody wanted us to know he is teething...”

7. “What do you mean I can only have one?”

8. “No ice-cream cone is safe.”

9. “Shopping really tuckered us out.”

10. “In the pool on his birthday”

11. “Kevin took a visit to the Land Behind the Dryer.

12. “My boy, Dave, drools a lot, so my mom got him a drooling handkerchief.”

13. “Pupper found a cozy nook.”

14. “Look at what we did to your bed: new decoration!”

15. “Looking good in flip-flops!”

16. “Don’t move, little doggo! Their vision is based on movement!”

17. “Benz is naughty, and he loves to steal stuff from the toaster.”

18. “His brother was there for emotional support.”

19. “My dog got too excited about disc golf and errored.”

20. “My cat likes donuts.”

21. “Caught in a swing...”

22. “I cannot separate Chorizo and his blankets!”

23. “Mom, I can’t go to school today. I have a stomachache.”

24. “Bedtime for Piglet and Teddy”

25. “Hey, can somebody let me out?”

Does your pet also behave like a child? We’d love to see your pics and read your stories in the comments below.

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