23 Times There Was a Glitch in the Matrix

6 years ago

Four years after The Matrix was released, Nick Bostrom wrote a philosophy paper entitled, Are You Living in a Computer Simulation? In it, he states that we are almost certainly living in a simulated universe. Although this statement is only a theory, today we can find more and more reasons to believe it.

23. Her nails match her chewing gum.

22. Irony or coincidence?

21. These 2 guys entered the metro from different stations and don’t even know each other.

20. “I was stirring my coffee, looked down, and realized I had indirectly stirred a fox into the foam.”

19. It’s too perfect to be real...

18. Is this even possible?

17. Something is wrong with the graphics here.

ohhhh it took me so long to realize it was water


16. The cutest glitch in the Matrix

15. This candle has stopped working.

14. Is she a time traveler or what?

13. A row of bald clones

12. An angry pickle

11. “My doctor said I looked exactly like the guy on the wall.”

10. Is this a hint of destiny?

9. The real Snoopy

8. Everybody loves ice cream!

7. He is definitely listening to music.

6. “Family resemblance: My brother and I.”

5. “My cat looks exactly like the one on her treat bag.”

4. Because of the rip placement, the M&M on the bag has two emotions.

3. “I spilled my coffee and now Elvis is crying.”

2. This tire mark on a highway looks like a hummingbird.

1. “I dropped a Skittle and it broke in half.”

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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