15+ Cool Things That Designers Put Their Heart and Soul Into

We’ve all been there: staring at the calendar, realizing that yet another birthday, anniversary, or special occasion is just around the corner, and feeling that deadly panic rising up. You’ve exhausted the socks, the ordinary mugs, and the “World’s Best [insert noun/name here]” paraphernalia.
Yeah, we’ll rescue you! A-G-A-I-N! Beware, you won’t find mundane items that will collect dust on a forgotten shelf or disappear into the abyss of re-gifting here. Oh no, we’re on a mission to bring you the quirkiest, most unexpected, and downright cool things. They will make anyone thank their lucky stars that you finally broke free from the cycle of socks!
If you don’t want your purchases to collect dust on the shelves, check out this article that is packed with gems that will pay for themselves the moment your money fly from your card.
Bright Side gets commissions for purchases made through the links in this post. Reviews could have been edited for length and clarity.