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According to statistics, the average adult in the US spends about 2-4 hours a day tapping, typing, and swiping on their phones. Not surprisingly, this digital addiction quite often leads to certain serious consequences — the constant looking down at your device puts additional pressure on the front and back of your neck.
Bright Side gathered the easiest ways to relieve neck pain and improve your posture at home.
What to do:
Results: A tennis ball will help you restore your neck mobility by digging into your soft tissue and breaking up the tightness and stiffness in your muscles.
What to do:
Results: Bow pose will help you fix rounded shoulders by opening them from the front and strengthening the muscles of your back as well.
What to do:
Results: Camel pose will help you relieve the stiffness in your neck muscles and increase mobility in this area.
What to do:
Results: Cobra pose will help you lengthen the front muscles of your neck and realign the shoulders in order to restore a natural curve in your spine.
What to do:
Results: The chin tuck exercise will help you align your head directly over the torso, relieve the compression in your spine, and reduce the tightness in your neck muscles.
What to do:
Results: The corner stretch will help you strengthen the muscles of your neck and counteract pain and discomfort in this area.
What to do:
Results: Neck stretches will help you restore proper alignment as well as prevent muscle tightness and pain in the neck.
Do you know any other ways to combat neck pain? Share your ideas with us in the comments!