A Double Miracle: Mom Is Shocked After Giving Birth First to Twins and Then Triplets

Family & kids
8 months ago

People often say lightning doesn’t hit the same spot twice. However, it did for Monique Davaul — and even more. After becoming a mom to twins, she recently had triplets. Now, she’s a happy mom of a large family.

After giving birth to fraternal triplets named Jihad, Mielle, and Noelle, Monique Davaul’s family grew to 6 children, and that’s not the end of it — two of her other kids are twins.

Interestingly, before Monique even realized she was expecting triplets, a colleague made a playful remark, saying, “Who knows, maybe you’ll have twins again, or why not triplets?” And surprisingly, that’s exactly what happened.

Fortunately, she was already familiar with what it’s like to be pregnant with more than one baby. When she began feeling extremely unwell, she had a hunch that it might be twins again. She had this thought: “It’s either a girl, or I’m carrying more than one baby.”

While not common, research shows that women who have twins are more prone to having another set. This is because their bodies are ready to support this kind of pregnancy. It appears that this was true for Davaul. She shared that both her pregnancies occurred naturally without using fertility medications.

In an interview, hospital nurses shared their pride in being involved in this significant family moment.

With her husband and other children’s support, Davaul has returned home and is now with her family.

Mothers who have many children often become popular online. Yet, the reality is that whether you’re a mom of 14 or just one, being a mother is one of the most challenging roles anyone can experience. Make sure to read about this in our previous article!


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