A Grandson Becomes His Grandma’s Full-Time Caretaker, as He Refuses to Let Her Live in a Home

10 months ago

A young man has captured the internet’s admiration for his choice to take care of his 96-year-old grandmother, Lola, full-time. Chris Punsalan has prioritized caregiving over anything else, as he’s deeply deep commited to giving back to the woman who once cared for him.

No matter what he does, he always does it with a big smile on his face.

Chris Punsalan is a young man who radiates creativity and passion in everything he does. Whether he’s strumming his guitar or sharing snippets from his day on social media, there’s a sense of joy and authenticity that shines through in all of his endeavors. And yet, for those who know him, there is something even more remarkable about Punsalan — something that has become an indelible part of his identity, both on and off the screen.

For the past few years, Punsalan has been on a journey of love and selflessness. With unwavering devotion and an unbreakable bond, he has taken on the role of a full-time caregiver for someone truly extraordinary — a person who has captured his heart and become the center of his world: his 96-year-old granny.

Since 2014, he’s been regularly posting photos and videos with his beloved Lola.

Despite being at an age where most crave carefree and vibrant lifestyles, Punsalan’s heart beats to a different drum. Rather than chasing the usual thrills of youth, like friendships, romance, and personal ambitions, he has chosen a different path, one of commitment to family.

From his earliest days, Punsalan’s grandma was a constant source of love and support. Now, as she enters her golden years and needs him most, Punsalan is returning the favor with unwavering devotion and tenderness. And as he shares their precious moments together on social media, he brings a ray of sunshine to his followers’ lives, offering a much-needed escape from the weight of the world.

“Everybody else was working and I’d rather just take care of Grandma because she took care of me [since I was a young boy] and I don’t want to see her in home care,” Punsalan explained.

This is all about love.

Thanks to Punsalan’s tireless efforts and unwavering love, his grandmother is able to spend her golden years in the comfort of her own home, surrounded by the people and memories she cherishes most.

From tender hugs and kisses to practical caregiving tips, Punsalan has gone above and beyond to ensure his grandma’s every need is met with love and compassion. And as he shares his journey on social media, he inspires others to do the same, proving that even in the darkest of times, love and kindness can still light the way.

And after a couple of years, he went viral.

In 2019, Punsalan’s video of his life as a caregiver went viral, showcasing his deep affection for his grandmother. Overwhelmed by the response, he began sharing more content, including a video celebrating her ninetieth birthday. Their bond is rooted in their shared Filipino heritage and his grandmother’s career as a teacher that spanned 2 decades.

Punsalan’s heartwarming videos have inspired countless netizens to follow his lead as a devoted caregiver. With his grandmother’s health declining, Punsalan was determined to provide her with the love and support she needed. Though it wasn’t easy to see his once-strong grandmother become fragile and dependent, Punsalan rose to the challenge, becoming her primary caregiver without hesitation.

He shows that love wins over every obstacle.

Despite the initial challenges, Punsalan has adapted well to his role as a caregiver and has grown to love his job. His grandmother’s grateful and loving nature has made it all the more rewarding, as she always takes the time to thank others for their kindness.

“She can’t move and she’s bound to her bed. But because she’s just extremely grateful for even the smallest things in life, it just makes her life more worth it,” Punsalan stated.

Family is the most important thing, even when you’re rich and famous. Nick Jonas knows it firsthand, as his family saved his life at 13. Now, he wants the world to know their feat because what they did can save countless other lives.


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