A Russian Artist Creates Bizarre Otherworldly Pics That Both Amuse and Terrify

4 years ago

All the works of Ellen Sheidlin, a rising Instagram star, have one unique feature in common — they don’t belong to one style, line, or direction. The artist doesn’t limit herself by sticking to one trend — she follows her impetuous artistic energy and creates mind-blowing masterpieces that look so fantastic, it feels like they are out of this world. The artist already has almost 5 million followers who like her art on Instagram and that number just keeps growing.

We at Bright Side looked at each of Ellen’s pic at least a dozen times, and every time, we managed to see something new in them. The artist’s unusual and weird photos won’t leave you indifferent, that’s for sure.

1. What you need is a nice cup of tea.

2. This is my body.

3. Delicious carpet

4. Human meets Robot

5. “I am just a mirror portal.”

6. Not found...

7. “Sea box”

8. It really isn’t a snail.

9. 1:0 in favor of color

10. My imaginary friend

11. Meow

12. While reading a book...

13. A new identity, a new life, a new chance

14. −45°

15. Speak loudly about your wishes, like they’ve already come true.

16. Art for me is like breathing.

17. I’d like to order it as a keychain for my purse.

Which of Ellen’s pictures impressed you most of all?


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2 Made me laugh a bit.. I can see this appear in one of those rap videos ?


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