She told him not to do it. Leaving was the right move because anything else would have probably resulted in jail time.
A Woman Ended Her Marriage Just 24 Hours After Saying “I Do”, All Because of an Embarrassing Prank
Recently, the media has been discussing a case where a bride fled from her own wedding, promptly filing for divorce the next day. This unexpected turn of events stemmed from an ill-advised joke by her newly-wedded husband. Despite the bride’s prior request to refrain from such jests during the celebration, the incident unfolded, prompting a swift and surprising reaction from the bride. Let’s delve into the details.
The girl shared online that she had been in a relationship with her now-ex-husband for three years before joyfully accepting his marriage proposal. Nothing hinted at what transpired during the wedding ceremony. He had not displayed selfish behavior before, and even if there were occasional instances of immaturity, they were rare within the context of their relationship.

The couple began preparing for their wedding, during which time viral videos of grooms playfully smashing cakes onto brides’ faces gained popularity online. The future husband found these videos amusing, but the bride, aware of a past incident at her 17th birthday party, where a similar prank had gone awry, explicitly requested him not to replicate it at their wedding. She shared the serious consequences of such an act, as her mother’s attempt at a similar prank had left her face scratched and the celebration ruined. The bride emphasized that if he proceeded with such a prank, she would leave him. Despite her earnest plea, the groom laughed it off but assured her he would refrain from any such actions.
On the wedding day, the bride was elated, adorned in a perfect outfit, and the ceremony, for which a substantial sum had been spent, unfolded beautifully. However, when the moment arrived to cut the cake, the newly married husband unexpectedly grabbed a sizable piece and hurled it directly into the bride’s face, ruining her dress, makeup, and hair. Shocked by the groom’s thoughtless prank, she went numb, while he laughed and remarked, “You should have seen your face!” The attendees, rather than expressing concern, joined in the amusement.

In response, she abruptly left, and despite attempts by guests and the groom to intervene, she hailed a taxi to their shared residence to gather her belongings. Her phone incessantly rang with calls and messages, all urging her to return to the event and apologize for her actions.
Subsequently, following the unfolding events, they engaged in a conversation with her husband. He expressed regret for the incident but maintained that she had overreacted emotionally. He explained that he intended the act as a joke, believing she would find it amusing. In response, she insisted that he should apologize for the emotional distress he caused. However, he countered, stating he didn’t comprehend why an apology was necessary, asserting that her failure to appreciate the humor was the issue.
This exchange further solidified the woman’s resolve to separate from her husband. She spent the night in a hotel and, the next morning, initiated divorce proceedings. Online users sided with her, endorsing her decision as justified. What are your thoughts on this situation?
Epic incidents at weddings aren’t always somber; some can evoke laughter until you can’t help but burst. On a related note, here are 14 things couples often overlook in their pre-marital discussions.
She made it clear in advance that she didn't think it was a funny thing to do. What possessed him to disrespect her wishes on the greatest day of her life?
It should have been the greatest day of his too, but he ignored her and assumed he was right to ruin the most perfect moment of the day.

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