A Woman Just Wanted Fringes, but Received the “Worst Haircut of Her Life”

9 months ago

Mia is a US-based art creator, who didn’t even suspect that her visit to a hairdresser would turn into a nightmare. She shared the video of her totally ruined haircut, and it quickly became viral. Not only did she have her hair totally destroyed, but there were some other “bonuses” that made the woman literally sob. Luckily, the story has a happy end, and we’d love for you to take a look at Mia’s now fixed haircut.

Mia didn’t expect things to turn THAT wrong.

Mia was left desperately sobbing after she received the “worst haircut of her life.” Her stylist cut out “chunks” of the woman’s bangs and then ended up shaving off the top of Mia’s eyebrows.

Mia, who has an account named miasmacaronmakes on TikTok, is a US-based artist who often shares videos of her crafts on social media.

However, most recently, the woman took to TikTok to share a video that showed her emotions about a horrible, uneven cut that left her sobbing as she left the hair salon. Although Mia just wanted a cute fringe, she came out with a bad haircut and was forced to visit a different salon to get it fixed. She also has paid and tipped the first time around.

In a viral video, which has already got over 809,000 views, Mia literally cried about the cut. She said, “Just had the worst haircut of my entire life. Like, look at this. The entire time I had to tell him every step of the way.”

“There’s chunks of my bangs that just never got cut. He had the bangs at crazy angles and I ended up having to tell him to fix it every second.”

Mia then explained that she had demonstrated her hairstylist a lot of reference photos of the cut she was looking for. However, he ended up spoiling the cut so bad she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to get it fixed.

While in tears, Mia said, “He cut my bangs with the buzzer and shaved off the top part of my eyebrows.”

The woman advised those who get any form of ’bad vibes’ from their hairstylist to run as fast as they could.

Mia’s story has a happy end.

After having her cut spoiled, Mia didn’t want to wait until everything grows back. She visited another salon and was lucky to have a real professional doing her hair this time. The grateful woman posted another video with her absolutely amazing hairstyle and thanked the stylist many times.

Here’s another inspiring story about 16 women who were brave, just like Mia, and said “goodbye” to their long hair.

Preview photo credit miasmacaronmakes / TikTok


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