Ben Affleck Reveals the Hard Decision to Take a Break From Acting, and the Reason Is Heartening

In the world of celebrities, one might assume that work-life balance is not a problem, but that isn’t always the case. Even the renowned actor and director, Ben Affleck, faces the dilemma of balancing his career and personal life. For Affleck, family comes first, and he recently made it clear that he is willing to make the necessary sacrifices to fulfill his duties as a parent. And despite the challenges that come with balancing the 2, Affleck remains optimistic about the future while sharing his excitement about his upcoming project.

For him, kids come first.


In a recent interview, Affleck explained that his divorce and shared custody of his children made him reevaluate his priorities. “My kids are my top priority,” he said. “I want to make sure that they know they are loved and supported no matter what.”

Moreover, he shared that he no longer wants to go to Austin, New Orleans, Georgia, or anywhere else and not see his kids. “It just doesn’t work. These years are too important. If I miss them, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life,” the actor noted.

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The actor shares 3 children with his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, and he is also a stepfather to his current wife Jennifer Lopez’s twins. He went on to say that being based in Los Angeles allows him to attend his children’s important events, such as basketball games and jazz performances.

His budding project with his longtime friend

Jack Plunkett/Invision/East News

The 50-year-old actor also discussed his new production company with longtime friend and collaborator Matt Damon, as well as their upcoming movie, Air. Affleck confirmed that he made the conscious decision of focusing on production in order to expand his career while staying close to home in Los Angeles.

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The actor emphasized the importance of being present in his family’s life and being able to balance his professional commitments with his responsibilities as a parent. “I want to be able to have a fulfilling career but also make sure that I’m there for my kids,” Affleck said. “That’s why this new venture with Matt is so exciting. We can work on interesting projects and still be close to home.” He added, “With Matt by my side, I know we can create something truly special.”

Prioritizing his family earned him more respect from his fans.


Additionally, Affleck shared that he has found people take him seriously when it comes to his priorities as a father and his decision to prioritize his family.

“As an actor, people look at you, like, ’He doesn’t really mean that.’ But [in business] they treat it as sacrosanct,” he explained. “They’ll go, ’Yeah, well, we were going to have that meeting with the heads of the Five Families, but you had your kid’s basketball game.’”


The star went on to share the challenges of modern-day parenting, particularly for someone with 3 children, ages 11, 14, and 17, each attending different schools with their own activities. “In the modern era of raising children, it turns out that is in and of itself a total full-time job,” he said.

It seems that Affleck’s commitment to his children and his willingness to prioritize them has earned him respect and understanding in his professional life as well.

He’s also keeping up with changes in the movie industry.

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Later in the interview, the actor-director opened up about how movies are now competing with streaming services. He shared that his 17-year-old daughter, Violet, has even questioned the authenticity of film as an art form.

“My daughter is 17. She lives her life largely in opposition to the work her parents have spent their lives dedicated to, where she’ll say things like, ’I’m not sure film is really... Do you think it’s a genuine art form?’” Affleck said.

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Affleck went on to express his own concerns about the future of cinema, saying, “Anyway, I went into it going, ’Okay, these movies aren’t working anymore. And these are the ones I like.”

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It seems that Affleck is not only juggling his role as a father but also grappling with the changing landscape of the entertainment industry. Nonetheless, he remains dedicated to his craft and is determined to adapt to the evolving demands of his profession.

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