Bride Stunned as Videographer Arrives With an iPhone to Film Her Wedding Ceremony

2 months ago

There’s this thing going around on social media about some videographers who filmed a wedding using iPhones. People are really talking about it, debating whether iPhones can really be used for professional recording. Let’s see what experts say.

video on TikTok received around 15 million views.

There’s this viral TikTok from a wedding coordinator in the UK, The Bride’s Helper. They uploaded a video that got everyone talking about whether it’s uncool for a wedding videographer to use iPhones to record a couple’s big day. It’s caused quite the stir online, with people debating back and forth about it.

The TikToker shares a clip with the caption, «POV: Your Videographer turned up to film your wedding on their iPhone.» In the video, you can see a person wearing a black jacket holding a gimbal with an iPhone attached, featuring a tri-camera lens.

It seems like using iPhones to film weddings might be a common practice.

In the video, it seems like the gimbal has image stabilization, which could be a positive aspect. Throughout the clip, more shots of the camera operation appear, including another person with a similar setup.

The comment section was full of people debating the issue. One person mentioned that traditional cameras have better sensors, resulting in superior lighting, color, and sharpness, «not to mention the advantage of having different lenses.»

Maybe it’s best to wait and see the final results before making a decision.

Another person highlighted that while the iPhone 15 Pro Max has exceptional quality, it’s somewhat limited by its lenses. However, they also mentioned that they reserve judgment until they see the results.

Some people argued that it ultimately depends on the skills of the videographers, as iPhones can produce great quality videos, especially in optimal lighting conditions. One photographer even boldly stated that, in their opinion, iPhones can sometimes deliver better video outcomes than DSLRs, given the right circumstances.

Preview photo credit thebrideshelper / TikTok


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