Emotional “Home Alone” Reunion: Catherine O’Hara’s Speech Moves Macaulay Culkin to Tears

10 months ago

In 1990, the world witnessed the premiere of Home Alone, a film that has since become a beloved holiday tradition for families worldwide. Every Christmas, for over three decades now, countless households have gathered after festive dinners to relive the tale of young Kevin left to his own devices while his parents jet off to Paris. 23 years later, the iconic on-screen mother and son-duo reunited, and it was as emotional as can be.

Catherine O’Hara, now 69 years old, and Macaulay Culkin, 43, accidentally recreated one of their iconic scenes together for a special ceremony — the actor got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This moment ignited sparks of nostalgia in the hearts of many fans and the cherry on top was the speech Kevin’s mother gave.

CAP/RFS/Capital Pictures/East News

Macaulay Culkin received the 2,765th star on the Walk of Fame in the category Motion Pictures and the guest speakers were Catherine O’Hara and Natasha Lyonne, both previously having starred in movies with the honored actor.

After Macaulay thanked the special people in his life, he gave a warm welcome to Catherine O’Hara to the stage, giving her a big hug and whispering, “Thanks, momma,” to which she responded, “Oh, darling baby.”

Catherine O’Hara, one of the most recognizable moms in films, started her speech describing that "Home Alone was, is and always will be a beloved global sensation, the reason why families can’t let a year go by without watching and loving Home Alone together is because of Macaulay Culkin. Yes, he had a most excellent script and a wonderful director, but it is Macaulay’s perfect performance as Kevin McCallister, that gave us that little every boy on an extraordinary adventure.

The actress continued, “Macaulay, I know you worked really hard, but you made acting look like the most natural thing in the world to do. It really was as if we ambushed the home of this real little boy named Kevin and he went along with the fun of it. He’s the dearest thing.”

Catherine O’Hara shed light on Macaulay’s early fame as a Hollywood superstar at just 10 years old. Reflecting on the challenges these labels posed for a young soul, she emphasized the resilience and unique gift recognized by John Hughes, the director of Home Alone—Macaulay’s sense of humor.

She praised Macaulay for pouring his sweet yet twisted, wholly relatable humor into everything he’s pursued since the iconic film. Catherine congratulated him on his Hollywood Walk of Fame star, expressing pride and gratitude for being part of his journey as his on-screen “fake mom.”

Her touching speech deeply resonated with fans who grew up watching the classic movie. However, it was Macaulay himself who was most moved, visibly emotional and brought to tears by Catherine’s heartfelt words. You can watch the ceremony and witness all the touching moments here.

Seeing our favorite movie stars reunite after decades apart makes us feel nostalgic and instantly takes us back into the past. Last year, the cast of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial reunited and broke the internet — read the story of the emotional event.

Preview photo credit CAP/RFS/Capital Pictures/East News, Paul Smith / Alamy Stock Photo


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