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The average person walks between 2 and 5 miles a day. We count steps on our smartphones or activity trackers, but we rarely think of what distance certain animals can cover in a day. Some of them can easily outrun any Olympic champion, while others prefer to save their energy and spend most of their time resting.
We at Bright Side have searched the internet to find out which animals are the slowest and which ones can move at the speed of light.
The dwarf seahorse is the slowest-moving fish we know of. It can move with a top speed of about 5 feet per hour and can only cover around 40 yards per day. Dwarf seahorses only grow to an average of about 1 inch and can change color according to their mood.
Sloths move slower than any other mammal on Earth, and their name is actually synonymous for slow motion. They move slowly to conserve energy and usually travel no further than 125 feet in a day. Despite their slower pace, sloths have about half the muscle mass of other animals their size.
The banana slug is named for its resemblance to a ripe banana. Some slugs are even spotted like an overripe banana. They move at a speed of about 6.5 inches per minute. The slugs’ mucus helps them move, but limits the distance they can travel in a day.
Different types of gazelle can run with different speed. For example, Mongolian gazelle can cover up to 12 miles per day. Some are able to run at 60 mph or sustain a speed of 30 mph. Gazelle can actually shrink their liver and their heart to reduce oxygen consumption which allows the animal to breathe less and reduce the amount of water it loses.
Reindeer, also known as caribou, normally travel around 12–34 miles a day while migrating. Santa’s helper can run at speeds of 37–50 mph and can easily outrun an Olympic sprinter when they’re only one day old.
Female penguins lay a single egg and leave it behind to undertake a hunting trip in search of food. They may need to travel over 50 miles just to reach the open ocean, where they will feed on fish, squid, and krill. Meanwhile, males protect their eggs by balancing them on their feet and covering them with feathered skin.
White sharks need to travel long distances for seasonal migration. One particular shark named Nicole, after the actress Nicole Kidman, even became a sort-of celebrity. Its return-transoceanic journey of over 12,000 miles is the fastest recorded of any marine fauna. Nicole was traveling at a minimum speed of about 3 mph.
These gentle giants can grow up to 13 feet in height and weigh up to 7 tons. Despite their size, they are actually pretty quick-moving and can walk up to 121 miles per day, although they usually only walk around 15 miles on a daily basis.
Peregrine falcons can reach over 200 mph during its characteristic hunting stoop. Unique adaptations in the Peregrine falcon’s nostrils enable it to reduce the change in air pressure experienced at this speed so that it can breathe. They are so fast that scientists are using them as models to improve aircrafts.
The little bar-tailed godwit, that weighs only 300 grams, can fly about 7,400 miles at one time — further than any other known bird. It makes no stopovers to rest or refuel and outshines any powerful airplane. Godwits fly at about 37 mph, flapping their wings most of the way.
What animal surprised you the most? Do you know any interesting facts about animals you want to share with other Bright Siders?