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While Michael J. Fox is perhaps best known for his notable performances in the Back to the Future movies, he has been a great advocate for raising awareness about his lifelong disease. These days, Fox is still battling Parkinson’s and wishes to show all those affected by it that they’re not alone, just as he is not, as the love of his large and supportive family will always surround him.
Michael J. Fox’s acting career started at a young age. However, he scored his first television job on the popular TV series, Family Ties. Fox became a famous television sensation in the role’s wake, receiving many honors for his outstanding performance. While still filming Family Ties, Fox attained movie-star status with his performance in Back to the Future, a colossal theatrical hit with sequels that followed in 1989 and 1990.
He became one of the most popular on-screen personalities in the United States; Fox’s career continued after Back to the Future, with more serious roles that allowed him to showcase his range as an actor, such as in Light of Day. After a non-stop 10-year of career, Fox returned to television in the comedy series, Spin City, before departing due to health problems that hampered his acting career.
In 1991, Fox was ready to embark on the biggest fight of his life, away from the glamour of Hollywood. Fox was 29 years old and had just married his wife, actress Tracy Pollan, when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. “So very early in the marriage, she got this dumped on her. We’ve just dealt with it and lived our lives. We didn’t know what to expect,” Fox confessed.
Together, Fox and Pollan have battled his illness, and their marriage has changed to account for it. Since there is still no cure for this progressive brain disorder, Fox kept his Parkinson’s diagnosis a secret for many years after learning about it.
Learning about this disease couldn’t have been easy for him, mainly because experts gave him a slim chance of continuing his job as his condition worsened. It became tough to memorize his lines while on set. “I just had this blank. I couldn’t remember the lines,” he explained.
Despite this and his struggles with some of life’s most basic daily tasks, Fox didn’t quit the entertainment industry until 2020. The actor has spent the last 10 years focusing on disease research, raising awareness, writing, and managing the charity he founded. He declared, “Parkinson’s is a gift. It’s not about what I have; it’s about everything you’ve given me: the voice to do this and help people.”
Living with Parkinson’s is a heavy burden, but Fox remains optimistic philanthropist who wants to assist others in similar circumstances. Recently, Fox was also given an honorary Oscar, and Woody Harrelson awarded him, saying, “Michael J. Fox never asked for the role of Parkinson’s patient or disease advocate. But make no mistake, it is his greatest performance.”
During the ceremony, the actor also expressed his gratitude to his wife for her unwavering support. He remarked while glancing at his trophy, “I cannot walk and carry this thing, but I ask Tracy to, once again, carry the weight.”
Fox has overcome many obstacles over the years, and in addition to dealing with Parkinson’s, he has been discreetly walking through another terrible chapter. In 2018, the actor suffered a risky spinal-cord surgery, resulting in multiple injuries. “I’m 61 years old and feeling it a little bit more.”
He has never felt lonely on this journey because he has been surrounded by the affection of his wife and 4 children. Despite their aversion to being under the spotlight, they never fail to show their father respect and offer him encouraging words. “The more problems you solve together and the more experiences and laughs you have, the tighter you get.”
Given that even the most straightforward job, like going out for dinner, may be challenging for him, the Back to the Future actor could not have succeeded without the support from his family. Thus, he values every moment he spends with his loved ones.
“I have a hard time getting to a restaurant. But then I’m there with my son, my 3 daughters, my wife, and our friends. And it’s just like, that’s great,” Fox said.
What is the most helpful thing you’ve ever done for someone suffering from a disease?