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Is it possible to make hair silky and shiny like in the commercials? The goal is definitely achievable if you include some simple procedures in your everyday hair care routine.
We at Bright Side collected the most effective methods for those who dream of having not only straight, but strong and shiny hair as well.
It’s highly recommended to not comb hair right after washing it because it damages the scales and makes the hair brittle and “fluffy” after drying.
The same thing happens when the hair is dried with a terry cloth towel, which is why it’s better to use fabric that can absorb moisture well but has a smooth structure. A good option for this is an ordinary cotton T-shirt.
Hair balms promote the best closing of the hair shaft, while masks nourish the hair. You can get even better results if you pay attention to the composition of these products.
Use the following oils to make your hair smooth:
Before using oil, make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction to it (test it in the crook of your elbow) in order not to damage the skin on your head.
Smoothing serum that needs to be applied to wet hair can be an additional helpful product.
It’s important to prevent hair from getting used to products that you use, otherwise it will significantly decrease their effect. It happens within about 2 weeks when used every other day. What you can do to prevent it is to buy 2 different sets and use them alternately.
If performed regularly, this simple and pleasant procedure can significantly increase the way your hair looks. Apply a small amount of oil to a comb with small gaps between the teeth and comb your hair for several minutes.
Pay attention to your hair type — one drop of oil will be enough for oily hair, while 3 drops of oil can be used for dry hair.
Oils like lemon, bergamot, tea tree, verbena, and juniper suit oily hair the most.
Lavender, ylang-ylang, orange, and vervain oils are a perfect choice for dry and normal hair.
Following these simple rules will help preserve the health and beauty of your hair:
If you want to get smooth hair, the best option is to use wooden hair combs. They comb hair easily without electrifying it and without damaging its structure. Recently invented silicone combs provide a similar effect.
Use wooden and silicone combs with small gaps between the teeth for better distribution of hair masks and oils. Use brushes for styling and preventing your hair from getting tangled.
Hot and cold hair wraps are popular procedures in salons but they can be performed at home too.
Hot masks are considered to be more effective. You can do the following at home: apply a warmed up mixture of oils to the hair, wrap hair with a warm towel, and put a polyethylene cap over it. Leave it for 30-60 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
The most effective mask bases are:
You can also optionally add essential oils to the base.
Remember about the nuances — when used frequently, oils can promote a quick fading of hair dye, while burdock oil can make fair hair darker.
Cold and hot weather is extremely detrimental to the hair structure, which is why it should be protected from UV rays in the summer and from frost in winter.
Otherwise, your hair can become dull and brittle. You can use special products with thermal protection in the summer instead of using baseball caps and summer hats.
In comparison with other procedures that provide only a cosmetic effect, the procedure of shielding makes hair healthier. It’s all because of the colorless nourishing composition that deeply moisturizes and nourishes the hair. The effect of such a procedure lasts for one month on average.
It’s most convenient to make shielding in a salon but it can be performed in home conditions as well, even after dying hair.
Do you find these tips useful? Are you aware of any other useful hair procedures? Please share them with us in the comments!