I Overheard a Conversation Between My Husband and MIL and Discovered That My 15-Year Marriage Is a Huge Lie

Family & kids
month ago

When we get married and create a family with our significant other, we hardly expect them to have anything to hide from us. This is what mutual trust is all about.

But our today’s heroine is a woman who accidentally revealed her husband’s huge skeleton in a cupboard, and the shocking revelation doesn’t let her sleep peacefully at night. The woman shared her story with us, and we can’t help but feel very sorry for her and her broken illusions. Here’s her shocking story with a very unexpected twist.

Rosa and her husband Mark have been together for a very long time.

Rosa, our 37-year-old reader, has recently shared her mind-stirring story with our editorial. The woman wanted to pour her heart out and to find out people’s opinions about her family situation that turned her life into a total mess.

Rosa opened her letter, saying, “Hi Bright Side! I’m totally desperate about my family life at the moment, and I couldn’t have imagined that such an outrageous thing would ever happen to me.

My husband Mark and I have known each other for 15 years, and we’ve been married for 14 years. I’ve always believed that our marriage initiated from a very big, sincere and mutual feeling. I’ve always taken pride in my special relationship with my husband and I sincerely believed that we did have that strong bond, mutual trust and lots of respect towards each other.

Our love story was so special and this gave me the reason to think that our happy union would last forever, but I was so wrong and so blind.”

Mark and Rosa fell in love under very special circumstances.

Rosa goes on with her story, saying, “Mark and I first met each other at my dad’s funeral. I was grieving the loss of my only parent (my dad raised me alone after my mom passed away when I was a toddler).
My dad and I had always been very close, and he did everything and anything for making my life a fairy tale. Dad was a very famous artist, whose works were admired by many people, and he made a very good income from his paintings. He owned several art galleries and his name was recognized and honored in wide circles.

Dad had a couple of very devoted friends, who all came to his funeral to honor his memory. One of these friends brought his son along to the dad’s funeral, and this was Mark, my then future husband.

After my dad’s funeral, Mark was all attention. He immediately started offering me help and support in everything I might need during that darkest time. I happily accepted his help and this was the time when we became friends, and I fell in love with this man.

Mark and I started dating soon after I healed from my immense loss. And 2 years after my dad’s funeral and our first encounter with Mark, we tied the knot.”

Rosa’s husband has always been a very good partner, but she did notice some red flags.

Rosa wrote, “Our marriage was a very blessed and happy union from the very beginning. Mark was a good and caring husband and a doting dad. He always insisted that we must have as many kids as possible, and he said that he couldn’t imagine family life without children.

I did want to have kids, too. But my plan was to have one child and give all my love and attention to them. Mark insisted that we have 3 kids, and I didn’t object. To my shock, he lost any interest in our children soon after their birth.

When I gave birth to our first baby son, Mark was on cloud nine. Then, 2 years after, we welcomed baby twins into our family.
As the kids were growing up, Mark was becoming more and more distant from them, which became a real problem in the family, and I was never able to understand why Mark was behaving like this with the kids, and he would never give me any reasonable explanation about his behavior. He only kept saying that I was overthinking, and he even advised me to visit a doctor because of my anxiety about his parenting style.”

Rosa’s in-laws had also behaved in a very strange way.

Rosa wrote, “I must mention here that my MIL, Ashley, and my FIL, Jonathan, used to be very close with my deceased father. When Mark and I got married, my in-laws were very good to me, and they also insisted that Mark and I must have at least 3 kids together.

When our kids were born, neither of them showed any signs of love and interest in their grandchildren. Both in-laws were absolutely indifferent about their grandchildren, and sometimes they even forgot about their birthdays, which I found appalling, especially after they initially wanted so many grandchildren. Their behavior was very strange, but they were still very good to me, and they often took my side when Mark and I had conflicts or arguments about anything.

I’ve always thought their behavior towards our children was a result of some family trauma or something. I didn’t even try to find an explanation for their attitude, and I calmed myself by the thought that I’m my children’s mom and I love them all more than anything, and this was the only thing that was very important for the kids.”

Rosa added, “Recently, I found out why Mark and his parents were behaving in such a weird manner all these years, and I can say that the truth hit me really hard.”

Rosa overheard a talk between Mark and his mother and made a shocking discovery.

Rosa wrote, “Mark and I were approaching our 15th wedding anniversary, and I was very busy preparing for a very nice celebration. Recently, I came home from work and was going to call Mark and ask him if he made some arrangements about our celebration that were his responsibility. I thought he wasn’t home, but then I heard his voice, he was not alone, I heard Ashley speaking in a very emotional tone.
She was saying, ’You did it, my boy! One more year and you’ll be a free and rich man, you won’t need to pretend anymore and you’ll be finally happy! And you won’t have to work any single day anymore, no more burdens and no more misery for you, my son! I’m so happy for you!’”

Rosa wrote, “I heard them talking about my dad’s will and some woman named Ann, whom Mark loved and with whom he would be finally happy together without any need to hide. This all was strange, and I could feel that something bad was happening, bad for me and my kids.”

Rosa said, “I immediately thought about my dad’s will. The peculiarity about it was that it was going to be announced right during our 15th wedding anniversary. And my father-in-law was the person who was going to do so, as he was my dad’s close friend. I rushed to my FIL and told him that I knew there was something about my dad’s will that I need to know immediately.
He went pale, and then he showed me the papers that stated that my dad wanted a man to live in a happy marriage with me for 15 years and have 3 kids together and if this man fulfilled this requirement, he’ll become the heir of my dad’s money. My dad didn’t mean Mark exactly, but my MIL immediately used this chance to make Mark a wealthy man. This explained everything to me, including Mark’s and his parents’ attitude to the kids.”

Rosa added, “You might ask me who was the woman named Anna? Turned out, Mark had been having a relationship with the woman he honestly loved for all these 15 years that we were married, and he was going to finally propose to her after he would be ’free and wealthy.’”

The woman added, “I’ve hired the best lawyer in the state to help me leave Mark and his greedy family without a cent. They’re not going to receive my dad’s money, but the legal process is going to be long and tough. My FIL keeps asking me to give his son a chance to prove that he loves me. He said multiple times that my dad wanted me to live in a long and happy marriage and that his last wish was fulfilled, and I must be grateful for that.
But I’m not going to look back and the only thing I want now is justice for everyone, and I know that Mark and his mother will get what they deserve very, very soon.”

And here’s yet another story, where an unexpected revelation ruined a seemingly happy family. A woman, whose husband turned out to be a creep, was able to discover his nasty deeds after she found a tampon in his car.

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