I Refuse for My Stepdaughter to Live With Us Rent-Free — My Home Is Not a Hotel

Family & kids
7 months ago

After our children move out, we often don’t anticipate their return. However, this was the case for Claudia’s stepdaughter, who, after losing her job, needed to move back in. Claudia insisted on her paying rent, which led to significant tension within the family. In her distress, Claudia reached out to us for advice.

Claudia’s letter:

I think, I can never earn over which I paid by my precedent employer, but I was wrong, world is so large to try their fate. but now I am making $52/h even more,and easily earn minimum $1300/week, on the experience everyone must try to do work online, easy way to earn, here's an example.


Claudia, thank you for sharing your story. Here are some tips that we hope will help you.

Transparent dialogue and mediation.

Arrange a family meeting with your husband and stepdaughter to discuss the situation openly and calmly. It might be helpful to involve a neutral mediator, such as a family therapist, who can facilitate the conversation and address everyone’s feelings and concerns.

Legal and fiscal constraints.

Seek guidance from a legal consultant to grasp your entitlements concerning the property and formulate precise financial arrangements. Compose a written contract outlining the conditions of your stepdaughter’s residence, encompassing rent, household duties, and a schedule for her to secure employment and independent accommodation. This approach will establish transparent expectations and safeguard your interests in case of disputes.

Explore alternative options.

This matter could potentially be resolved by presenting alternative living options for your stepdaughter. For example, propose that your spouse assists her in locating a nearby apartment or aids in securing temporary lodging.

Personal introspection and therapy.

sounds like stepmom wants to create the problem before the problem exists


Explore individual therapy to delve into your emotions and cultivate coping mechanisms for navigating this circumstance. Think about which aspects of the situation are particularly distressing and why they affect you deeply. Therapy offers tools to handle stress and emotional pressures, fostering a clearer, more balanced outlook on the situation.

Josie faced a challenging situation when she decided to gift her house to her newly married son, hoping it would become a home for his growing family. However, unforeseen circumstances arose, leaving her feeling betrayed and misled by her son and his wife. Seeking advice, the heartbroken mother shared her story with us.


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