I Want to Run Away From My Fiancée After My Future In-Laws Accidentally Shared Their Nasty Family Secret

2 months ago

Melissa, a 33-year-old woman, has recently penned us a letter that sounded like a real and loud cry for help. The woman is engaged with the love of her life, and she’s so happy in her relationship, but there’s a thing that significantly spoiled her life. Melissa has recently had an explicit conversation with her future mother-in-law, who shared some details about her son’s past, which the future bride just cannot come to terms with. The woman shared her story with us and she wants some really good advice from our readers because she doesn’t know what to do about the unwanted truth that has been opened up to her.

Melissa has a painful experience from the past, which led to her having PTSD.

Melissa is a 33-year-old woman, who has gone through very turbulent times in her life. Now that the woman finally found her happiness, she seems to be losing it again, this time because of her accidental revelation about her fiancé. The woman penned an emotional letter and shared her story with us. All she wanted was a piece of advice from people who wouldn’t remain indifferent to her mental suffering and her struggle. The woman sincerely believes that no one can help her as much as a person, who would feel her situation like their own.

The woman opened her letter, saying, “Well, it seems like my life is crashing again, and I still can’t believe that this is happening to me for the second time already. I have a very traumatic experience from my past relationship, which was full of narcissism, toxic attitude, and infidelity. I barely survived after a very painful breakup and my now-fiancé, Michael, was the person who helped me to heal.

Michael and I met 4 years ago. We didn’t fall in love instantly, but we did feel a strong and mutual attraction towards each other. Love came later, when we gradually discovered the best sides of each other’s personalities and when our bond grew so close that we couldn’t spend a single day without each other.”

Melissa could only wish for such a partner like Michael to be in her life.

Melissa shared, “My partner Michael is everything I want in a man, he’s kind, caring, and open. He’s emotionally available and stable. He’s done nothing but show up for me. And he makes me feel like a better person. And worthy.

No wonder that when we got engaged, this was the peak of happiness for me. I was building up plans for our future and I was living by the thought that bad times in my life are over and only the best things are waiting ahead. I wanted our own house, I wanted many kids, I wanted to live my whole life and spend all my time with Michael. And this was mutual, he was on cloud nine, too.

I knew that our relationship meant a lot to Michael. His previous marriage was unhappy, too. But he did part ways with his ex in a very civil way, or so I was told. I sincerely believed everything that he told me, and only now do I understand that I shouldn’t have. The ugly truth about my future husband and the love of my life was unveiled accidentally. All bad things happen like this, when you’re the happiest person on Earth and when you don’t expect anything bad to happen when you’re unprepared.”

Melissa found our Michaels’ ugly secret right before starting their wedding arrangements.

Melissa revealed, “I should mention that my relationship with my future in-laws is very warm and cordial. More than that, they both treat me like their own daughter. I once noticed that my future MIL, Stephanie, was very skeptical about our engagement and marriage. When I asked her why she was reacting like that, she hugged me tight and didn’t say a word. I thought it was my misunderstanding of her real emotions and I never raised this topic again.

Recently, I was sitting on our terrace drinking my morning coffee, when I had a call from Stephanie, who asked me in a very worried voice if Michael was around. I said no, he was at work as usual, and Stephanie then asked me if she could come in 10 minutes. She said she had an urgent thing to discuss with me before our wedding and that the right time was now or never. I said that sure, she could come. And she arrived very quickly.

She sat me down in front of herself, and looking straight into my eyes she started speaking. She asked me not to interfere with her because she was going to share something hard for her. But she was convinced that I needed to know this. So I listened and I almost fainted as I was slowly revealing the details about Michael’s past.”

The truth hit the woman hard.

Melissa shared, “I found out that about 8 years ago, Michael cheated on his ex-wife. She forgave him and they both worked hard to restore their marriage. His ex was pregnant when Michael cheated on her again. She lost the baby and Michael did nothing to even support her after everything that happened with this poor woman. Their marriage was over and Michael has never taken responsibility for his actions.

What was even more, Michael cheated on the woman he cheated on his ex with. It sounds like such a mess, but for me, it was obvious that something was very very wrong with my beloved man.

Now, I want to run away from him and I want to do it right during our wedding ceremony. I love him dearly, but I feel like an idiot to stay with a man who is capable of such things. I feel like I’m a smart woman and I should not believe that my fiancé won’t do this to me, too. There’s a stock of red flags already, which I mustn’t ignore.

I also feel like it’s so unfair to leave someone I love, who loves me. This is now my inner struggle and my burden to bear. I don’t know what to do. What Michael did is a serious lack of morals. Do you think he can change for the sake of our love or shall I break up with him and run away?”

And here’s a story of a woman, whose husband turned out to be a very creepy person. The woman didn’t suspect anything for many years, up until one day when she found a tampon in her husband’s car. read more to find out about the chain of really strange revelations that followed the woman’s accidental finding.

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