As the saying goes, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Unfortunately, not all people have their dream job but we’re convinced that everyone can make their work day a little bit better. If you can’t stand your job and have no reason to be happy with what you do, have a look at these guys. They do much more than they actually should and they literally don’t even have time to get bored. Anyway, if everyone treated their job like these people, the world would be a much better place.
Bright Side has collected photos of people whom we’d like to thank just because they do their job so well.
13. An Indian traffic cop fed a homeless woman who was too weak to eat on her own.
12. A policeman is playing with a sick boy in the hospital.
11. Every day this mall security guard comes outside to help this 94-year-old WWII vet get his wheelchair out of his trunk so he can have coffee in the food court with his friends.
10. This pediatrician knows how to approach a child.
9. “My tow truck driver has a cat with a matching safety vest.”
8. An airport worker helping a tired mother calm down her baby
6. “Kratos sold me his game today.”
5. “This McDonald’s manager has taken at least 10 minutes to set up Google maps on this old gentleman’s phone and teach him how to ‘follow the green dot’ while he’s driving.”
4. This airport employee is awesome.
3. Window cleaners at a children’s hospital
2. Mickey and Minnie talk to a kid using sign language.
1. “My dad challenged the students at the school where he is the principal to read for a combined 1,000 minutes. The reward would be getting to push him down the hall on a tricycle while he wore mismatched clothes inside out.”
Bonus: Ballerinas cope with tears and sweat on their way to success.
Do you love your job? Tell us about it in the comments.