Lucky People Who Got 20+ Stunningly Cool Things for Free

4 years ago

Sometimes our dream items await us in the most unexpected places, like on the curb of a road or on the Internet with a sign that says, “for free.” Other times, these are simply things that need to be given a second chance and be rescued from a dumpster.

We at Bright Side were extremely surprised to see some of the findings in this article — we still can’t believe that someone would throw away a bag full of jewelry.

“I got this incredible (appears to be handmade) ’70s dress from a local vintage shop for FREE in exchange for some photography I did for them!”

“I found this vintage vanity for FREE next door. The lady said it’s been in her family for generations.”

“The former owner wanted to paint it with chalk paint for her daughter. Luckily, her daughter didn’t like it, so now it’s in a loving home.”

“Someone threw away a new unpacked aquarium that normally costs $100. My marine biologist husband is thrilled.”

“Found a book from 1884. It’s not in the best condition but it’s 176 years old!”

“I just realized I left my art box when I moved and can’t get it back. I took out the trash and found this. I’m thrilled!”

“Got this sky blue military-esque shirt for free after leaving a bunch of old clothes at a secondhand shop. I’m loving it so far.”

“Found this sports equipment on the curb. Maybe this will give me the motivation to exercise regularly.”

“My patio is furnished and decorated 100% from the free section of a site with ads!”

4 wonderful surprises at once

“Just found a bunch of vintage colognes and aftershaves in a local thrift shop dumpster.”

“Most were still in the original boxes but I had to trash the boxes because of the rain last night. None of them appear to have been used, or at the very least, barely used.”

“Found this perfect Calvin Klein skirt at a cafe clothing exchange for absolutely FREE!”

“I literally rescued all these books from being thrown out — each one was already in the dumpster.”

“Found this beauty in the dumpster behind my favorite pet store — not the cat but the bed he lies upon.”

“Was on my daily stroll when I saw these babies out on the curb. Took them home, cleaned them, and now I have a free pair of Doc Martens!”

“This e-reader works perfectly.”

“Got this weird-ish, yellow dress for free after buying a few books at a garage sale. It fits me perfectly.”

“I transform old hand mirrors into backdrops for my paintings.”

“Found these stylish stools in the dumpster. All they needed was a cleaning and a few screws tightened!”

“Found a bag of jewelry last night. The thrift shop employees were too lazy to open it and trashed it instead.”

“This particular ring is the best. It’s marked 950P. I tested the stones and they are real white and black diamonds so I assume the metal is real platinum.”

How do you relate to such finds? Would you be able to take out something from a dumpster like the people in our article did?


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