11 Comics Proving That Humor Makes Any Relationship Awesome

It has been proven that about 32% of young adults still opt to live at home with their parents after graduation. This might be very handy for some since you have a forever-home, food, and a somewhat carefree life. However, for some, living with their parents might cause problems. This is exactly what today’s story brings: problems within the family.
We can’t get this story off our minds here at Bright Side, so we wanted to give as truthful a response as possible.
We’d like to thank Emma for working up the courage to tell her story. It’s all quite a lot to process, however we did our best to give a few solutions.
We truly hope the situation will better itself, and no matter what happens, you should keep in mind that your parents love you very much, though at times it may seem a bit rough. At the end of the day, they want what’s best for you.
Have you ever been in or heard of a situation like the one presented above? How did you overcome it? What piece of advice would you give this person?