People Are Spreading Their Kindness Around the World, Giving Us Hope That Not All Is Lost

4 years ago

Sometimes one small action is enough to make the world a better place to live in. There is no big or small act of kindness, any good action can become the best moment in someone's life.

Bright Side has collected photos of people who are spreading their kindness and don't ever ask for anything in return.

Ken's kindness toward stray animals touched people all over the world and they helped him open a shelter for homeless animals by donating money.

Now, this boy from the Philippines rescues stray animals from the city dump and brings them to his Happy Animals Club. There, Ken and his team give animals medical treatment if it's needed, vaccinate and feed them. After the animals are healthy again, he finds them a new home.

"Someone in my neighborhood has a mini library open to anyone."

A kind neighbor raked a pile of leaves and invited people to jump into it.

Someone sacrificed their umbrella to prevent this cat from getting wet.

This boy is giving out lemonade for free on a hot day.

This man sells pizza to the needy for just $1.

Bikers are escorting a boy with Down syndrome on his first day at school.

This man gave his T-shirt to a homeless man.

A touching act of kindness:

These guys offered their assistance to local students.

He is teaching his son to replace car tires.

This definitely restores faith in humanity.

This man had 2 extra tickets to a football match. He presented them to these boys instead of selling them.

Our world definitely needs more people like this.

A donkey rescued from a flood smiles at its rescuers

A police officer talking to a teenager suffering from autism that wanted to commit suicide

"I found this on my windshield."

"My daughter asked me if she could sell her stuffed animals and donate the money to our local shelter for animals. Of course, I let her."

"Corporate bought pizza and wings for those who made it in after our area was hit with 2 feet of snow."

"Thanks to internet users, my school's postcard project has exploded! We now have every state and over 90 countries!"

A small sofa was placed in a bookshop for an old lady. She visits the shop to read books quite often.

This pastor cheers everyone up in the mornings.

Ryan Reynolds meeting with children from the Make-a-Wish and Children's Wish Foundations on the set of Deadpool 2

What other examples of immense kindness have you witnessed? Please tell us your stories in the comments!


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