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Even the famous Hollywood heartthrob Ryan Gosling experienced ageism. Despite his handsome features and undeniable charm, Gosling was considered old for the role of Ken in Barbie. However, instead of letting the criticism dampen his spirits, the actor responded with a brilliant twist that left everyone amused.
Not so long ago, Warner Bros. released an official full-length trailer for the new Barbie movie. The official release date is July 21, 2023, in celebration of the Mattel doll’s 60th anniversary. Even though the movie hasn’t come out yet, it immediately caused a stir on social media, especially regarding Ken.
Gosling’s interest in Barbie appeared because his daughters were playing with the dolls, including Ken, which was the reason for his decision to go for the role, “I did see him, like, face down in the mud outside one day, next to a squished lemon, and it was like, ’This guy’s story does need to be told, you know?’”
Some people noticed that Ryan didn’t look as young as they imagined Ken to be. “I can’t be the only one that thinks Ryan Gosling looks old to play Ken,” commented a Twitter user and another added, “That’s so sad that the man is ancient.” Someone even said, “I like Ryan Gosling but idk why he looks a little too old and dry. Not sure if it’s because of the hair or tan, but he needed some moisturizer.”
The film director Greta Gerwig says, “There’s a quality to Ryan’s acting, even when he’s hilarious, it’s never the actor standing outside of the role. He doesn’t try and make you know that Ryan Gosling knows that this is silly. He does it in a way that takes on all of the humiliations of the character as his own.”
Gosling was aware of the comments regarding his age, so when he was asked what he thought about it in the interview, he said, “I would say, you know, if people don’t want to play with my Ken, there are many other Kens to play with.”
The actor grew fond of the role, he reveals, “Everyone was fine with the fact that Ken’s job was nothing. But suddenly, it’s like, ‘No, we’ve cared about Ken this whole time.’ No, you didn’t. You never did. So your hypocrisy is exposed. This is why his story must be told.”
He then added, “I care about this dude now. I’m like his representative. Ken couldn’t show up to receive this award, so I’m here to accept it for him.”
We decided to go a bit further and imagined what other celebrities would look like as Barbie dolls. The results were awesome, and we’re sure that some of these celebs could have starred in the movie too.