i feel soory for him
The Little Boy Whose Photo Went Viral While Battling Cancer Is All Clean Now and Back in School
Kaitlin Burge, a mother of a boy who was diagnosed with cancer, posted a heart-wrenching photo of her son being comforted by his elder sister during chemotherapy. That was over 2 years ago, and after a long, exhausting, hard-fought battle, little Beckett is now all better and going to school.
We at Bright Side were over the moon to hear that the boy is leukemia-free, and we hope this story will help all who are going through tough times right now to remember that there’s always hope.
It was a tough time for everyone.
Beckett was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia on April 25, 2018, at the age of 2. The 2 siblings, who are 15 months apart, went from playing at home to sitting in a cold hospital room together. Beckett’s sister, Aubrey, then 4 years old, watched her brother struggle to walk and play.
The situation was hard on everyone, and it came as a complete shock to the family. But as Kaitlin disclosed exclusively to Bright Side, they stuck together, relied on each other, and took it one day at a time.
Spending 35 days without his sister
As Kaitlin told us, Aubrey had a rough time. Beckett was and still is, her best friend. The 35 days he spent in the hospital were 35 days she spent without her brother. She wasn’t sure what was happening. All she knew was that something was wrong with her brother, her best friend.
As anyone would expect, things were far from easy and simple for the entire family. Kaitlin wrote this in the caption of the picture above: “I watched my only son go through so much and still smile. I watched my sweet Aubrey push through a difficult time in her life and become so independent. She saw her best friend/brother in a state no sibling should ever have to experience.”
Beckett kicked cancer’s butt like a real trooper.
With a lot of ups and downs, the journey was difficult, but Beckett prevailed. After 2 whole years of pain, suffering, and a lot of fighting, Beckett is now cancer-free and going to school. As Kaitlin told us, “He is feeling great, he is done with treatment, and is back to school, currently in the first grade.”
His last treatment was on August 8, 2021, and he is now enjoying a totally clean bill of health. Today, Beckett is 6, and his 7-year-old sister is still always by his side. The siblings are still nourishing an unbreakable bond, which got even stronger during Beckett’s illness.
Sticking together through thick and thin
Beckett’s journey was exhausting, but we’re all aware there are many more people that are walking the same path. When we asked Kaitlin to share some words of encouragement for those going through the same struggles, she told us it’s important to keep your head up, take it one day at a time, and not be afraid to ask for help. Remember that this is only one chapter in your life, and you can find the will to push through.
Do you think Aubrey’s unconditional love helped in Beckett’s recovery journey? Share similarly touching stories and we might pick them up for our next article.
Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!

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