The Royal Family Posts a Warm Christmas Photo, But People Are Confused By One Detail

10 months ago

Prince William and Kate Middleton, who hold the titles of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, have unveiled their official Christmas card for 2023. However, eagle-eyed royal watchers spotted a major detail that sparked a debate about whether the photo was photoshopped.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, both 41 years old, unveiled their annual Christmas card. The new photograph depicts the couple posing alongside their three children — Prince George, aged 10, Princess Charlotte, aged 8, and Prince Louis, aged 5.

The family of five is dressed in matching button-down collared shirts. Kate and Charlotte are both sporting jeans, while William, George, and Louis are coordinated in dark slacks (with Louis opting for shorts!). Charlotte and her younger brother Louis are also sporting matching canvas sneakers. William and Kate have their arms around their sons while Charlotte takes the central position seated in a chair.

However, it was Louis who drew considerable attention — specifically, his hand did. In the photo, the youngster’s hand rests on the arm of the chair, but it appears that his middle finger is not visible. This sparked a debate online regarding what might have happened to his finger and whether the picture had been edited.

One individual commented: “I’m not a fan of this photo, look at Louis and his left hand, what is going on with that, it looks photoshopped.”

Another person added: “Is Prince Louis missing a finger? What in the AI is going on?”

Conversely, some disagreed and suggested that the “missing finger” was simply due to the way Louis was holding the chair.

Other royal enthusiasts also pointed out that Princess Charlotte, positioned at the forefront of the photograph, seems to be without her shoelaces.

One fan asked: “Why have Charlotte and Louis had their shoelaces taken from them?”

One more added: “My father messaged our group chat to enquire as to why they’ve taken away Princess Charlotte’s shoelaces.”

Though a bit trickier to notice as he stands behind Charlotte, Prince Louis also seems to be missing his laces, so maybe it’s just a special kind of shoes.

As Christmas approaches, Kate and William’s kids will probably not join them for the holiday dinner. There have been reports stating that the children of Prince William and Kate Middleton are not permitted to join their parents at the table during holidays and official dinners, including Christmas.


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