Try to Tell These Celebrities Apart From Their Wax Statues

4 years ago

The Madame Tussauds museum is recognized worldwide for its famous celebrity-inspired wax figures. While some wax figures around the world leave most of the work to your imagination, Madame Tussauds has built a reputation on what seems to be true replicas of their models, and they can manage to trick the public into thinking they actually ran into a real celebrity.

Since most wax figures exposed in Madame Tussauds are impressively real, we thought of a good challenge. Bright Side prepared this quick test to see if you can tell 10 celebrities apart from their wax figures. When you’re done, let us know what your score was. You can always tap on the image to see the right answer.

10. Khloé Kardashian

9. Eddie Redmayne

8. Ryan Gosling

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

7. Taylor Swift

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

6. Sandra Bullock

5. Jon Hamm

4. Colin Firth

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

3. Justin Bieber

2. Fan Bingbing

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

1. Tyra Banks

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

Some wax statues are really impressive, don’t you think? How many answers did you get right? Let us know in the comments and share this test with your friends to see if they can do better!


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Most of these were pretty easy to spot, I only got 1 and 10 wrong but they kinda looked fake in both pictures haha


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