What 16 Celebs Would Look Like If They Never Had Plastic Surgery

month ago

While we respect that everyone has the right to choose as many cosmetic surgeries or enhancements as they wish, it’s fascinating to envision how some celebrities might have aged naturally without these alterations. Ultimately, the choice of what feels right is up to each person. Today, we took a moment to explore how these stars might appear today if they had embraced aging without any rejuvenation treatments.

1. Sharon Osbourne

2. Demi Moore

PHOTOlink/Courtesy Everett Collection/East News, © Depositphotos.com, Invision/Invision/East News

3. Cindy Crawford

AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News, © FaceApp, ANGELA WEISS/AFP/East News

4. Dolly Parton

5. Megan Fox

6. Carla Bruni

Mary Evans/AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/East News, © Depositphotos.com, © Featureflash/Depositphotos.com

7. Goldie Hawn

Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection/Everett Collection/East News, SIPA PRESS/EAST NEWS, © Depositphotos.com

8. Mary-Kate Olsen

9. Joan Rivers

10. John Travolta

11. Victoria Beckham

12. Renée Zellweger

AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News, © Jen_Nelson/Depositphotos.com, © Depositphotos.com

13. Janet Jackson

14. Lindsay Lohan

© s_bukley/Depositphotos.com, © Depositphotos.com, Zabulon Laurent/ABACA/Abaca/East News

15. Jennifer Grey

16. Courteney Cox

PHOTOlink/Everett Collection/East News, AXELLE/BAUER-GRIFFIN/East News, © Depositphotos.com

Princess Catherine turned heads during her Christmas morning outing just a few days ago. Take a look at her stunning photos here!

Preview photo credit ANGELA WEISS/AFP/East News, AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News


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