It's funny because my dog does all of these and I've tried everything to make him lower his little obsession but I haven't been successful yet... to be continued LOL
What It Means When a Dog Puts Its Paws on You, and 4 Exercises to Prevent It From Happening
We love our dogs and somehow they manage to understand us without words. However, sometimes it’s difficult for us to figure out what they’re trying to tell us when they put their paws on us.
Today, we at Bright Side would like to help you understand your 4-legged companion better with the help of dog behavior expert, Rebecca Forrest.
“I’m scared!”

If you’ve lost your temper with your dog or it’s in a new environment, the situation is likely to create stress for them. The place where they are may generate a lot of anxiety, causing your dog to put its paws on you. If this is a reason for insecurity, one way to confirm this is to check if its ears are flat, they’re yawning, or smacking their lips.
“I love you.”

Many times, while you pet your dog, they’ll show affection back by putting their paws on you. It’s their way of saying “thank you” and showing that they care. This is because hormones such as oxytocin, which makes you feel happy, are emitted by both dogs and owners during a petting session.
“I need attention!”

Since dogs grow very close to their owners, it’s normal for them to demand attention. They are dependent on our affection, just as we are dependent on theirs. We must understand that if we are away from home for a long time, they will be waiting for us, wanting to play and receive our love.
“I’m hungry.”

Dogs often put their paw on you to show that they are hungry. To confirm it, it’s essential to check that their food bowl is full. In any case, the amount of food that dogs eat must be regulated. If they like to eat a lot, they should not be given too much to avoid obesity.
How to avoid it
1. Ignore their behavior.

If you’re trying to focus or simply cannot give your dog the required attention, the simplest way to stop it is to ignore it. Stay away from their paws and avoid eye contact. This way, they’ll calm down. Once they have stopped, get close to them and give a little caress in return.
2. Stay consistent.

If you really don’t want to be bothered, you should stay consistent and not give your attention. Over time, the dog will stop putting its paws on you.
3. Make sure its needs are met.

It’s important to set a meal and walk schedule. The absence of any of these can cause the dog to be more restless and upset. Before you relax, you need to check that their needs are being met.
4. Change your position.

While your dog is resting its paws on you, try to change your position. Making them uncomfortable will make their insistence more difficult. They’ll likely grow tired and stop doing it.
Do you have a dog? Is it easy for you to understand what they want when they put their paws on you? Share your experience with us in the comment section.
Saving these for whenever I get a puppy :)
How sweet! This is a lovely way to say I love you ?
I have a small dog who does this every morning to greet me, I'm not sure if it's bad
its called lovely?

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