A Working Mom Breaks Down Sobbing, Tired of Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck

9 months ago

Living paycheck-to-paycheck is the harsh reality for many people. But due to the current economic situation, nowadays even people with well-paying jobs can struggle to make ends meet. Mackenzie Moan, a working mom of 2 kids, decided to bravely share with the world the struggles her family has to face, despite all their best efforts.

Mackenzie Moan is a mom and nurse.

Mackenzie Moan, a mother of 2 from Pennsylvania, USA, manages a demanding schedule as a full-time critical care nurse. Simultaneously, she pursues her graduate degree and diligently cares for her children. Balancing work, education, and parenting, Moan demonstrates exceptional dedication. But despite all of her efforts to offer her family the best life possible, the young mom often struggles to make ends meet. Frustrated by the situation, she turned to TikTok to vent.

The woman went viral after she posted a candid video about her family’s struggles.

In the heart-breaking video, posted by TikTok user mackmoan1988, the woman can be seen breaking down in tears over the difficult situation she has to face. Moan expressed her feelings in a TikTok video, tearfully sharing, “I feel like my husband and I are doing everything right. We both have good jobs, I’m a registered nurse who works full-time, he works full-time.” This heartfelt message was posted on November 14 and has garnered an impressive 1.5 million views.

Despite both Moan and her husband working full-time, the parents face financial difficulties every month.

Moan clarified that, four days following the receipt and settlement of their paychecks, she and her husband found themselves with approximately $200 to $300 for the subsequent 10 days after covering their bills. She underscored that they reside in a modest three-bedroom house with one bathroom. Additionally, Moan highlighted that both she and her partner earn a substantial income, emphasizing that they are mindful not to exceed their means.

Throughout her academic journey, Mackenzie Moan remembered reassuring herself with the belief that things would improve after graduating and entering the workforce. Reflecting on her expectations, she expressed, “I thought I’d be able to pay my bills and not have to check my bank account if my kids say, ’Mom, can we go to the movies this weekend?’ I thought we’d be comfortable and we’re not, at all. Growing up we were told, ’Go to college, get a degree, work to support your family.’ Here we are. Did that, now what?”

Many people empathized with the working mom, sharing their own experiences.

Mackenzie Moan’s video garnered significant attention, accumulating numerous views and generating considerable engagement with thousands of comments from people who resonated with her experiences. “We have 98 cents in our savings. It’s so rough out here. We are all depressed and drowning,” someone shared. While another person noted: “The fact that everyone is struggling should say something, this is so sad.”

Later, the mom of 2 also posted some follow-up videos, clarifying the situation and addressing people’s reactions. In one of them she reassured people that just because she has to deal with a stressful situation, that doesn’t mean she’s not grateful for what she has. “I know I’m in a much better situation than a lot of people, I get that, because I’ve been on the other side. I’ve been there and I’m extremely grateful for what I have and what I worked for. Yes, I am extremely fortunate to have all of those things but I’m still allowed to be stressed out about our financial situation,” Moan concluded.

Many people have to deal with financial difficulties, which compels some elderly folk to work even after they hit the retirement age. Thanks to the kidness of a stranger who saw her, Nola, a 82-year-old woman who was still working at a supermarket, was finally able to quit her job.

Preview photo credit mackmoan1988 / TikTok


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