17 Gifted Architects Who “Hugged” Local Trees With Their Buildings Instead of Cutting Them Down

3 years ago

Trees often suffer the most when it comes to building something new. But for some architects, cutting down local trees for the sake of their projects is not an option. They go the extra mile to make the trees feel safe and comfortable inside their houses, hotels, and restaurants, and prove that nature and urban design can co-exist in peace and harmony.

We at Bright Side can’t stop admiring the designers of these 17 projects who seem to have befriended mother nature herself, and we hope to see more sights like these in the near future.

1. This Starbucks has a hole for a local palm tree.

2. Building this fence must have been a tough job to do, but it was totally worth it.

3. This wall was built with a curve to give enough space to nature.

4. The designer did not cut down this tree even though it is curved and pretty big.

5. “My neighbors built their new fence around the trees on their property.”

6. “Got convinced to go have ribs. When there’s a tree in the roof, you know it’s good.”

7. This tree found its place in the corner of a wooden house.

8. They made a hole in the glass so that this fig tree had some fresh air to breathe.

9. This tree grows out of a restaurant window.

10. It looks like the people who built this house are true fans of nature.

11. A hotel in Cuba

12. “A fence built respectfully around this palm tree”

13. And this fence has enough space for both the tree and the plant that climbs up this tree.

14. It looks like this tree is going to win back the pavement too.

15. “My dad laid new decking around an old tree.”

16. When nature and architecture live in perfect harmony.

17. “This small house I came across in Hungary has a tree growing through it.”

We hope these and other buildings inspire more architects to create projects that respect the nature around them. Do you think we need more projects like this? Have you seen examples of sustainable architecture? If you have pictures to show to us, we’d be happy to find them in the comments!


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Some could have been avoided by just going around, but I think it's great that architects did this!


That's so cool! I would LOVE to have a tree in the middle of my room! I think I saw it in some of the house tours on youtube


Oh yeah I love watching those too! I love watching those expensive villas and they always have the craziest features

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