18 People Who Had a Chance to Build the Country House of Their Dreams and They Didn’t Take It for Granted

3 years ago

No matter how fast technological progress spreads across the planet, people will always be drawn to nature. That’s why in the summer, we dream of a vacation somewhere far away from civilization — like in a country house or in a village near the sea. And a cozy and beautiful home helps us to change the scenery.

We at Bright Side always appreciate the pleasant moments we spend outside the city. We included photos in our compilation of wonderful places that will help you feel all the charm of a summer romance.

“Last night, I opened the doors to my bedroom to let in some cool air.”

“My personal backyard sanctuary”

“This is the bed in my treehouse. I woke up this morning under a mountain of blankets and didn’t want to get out of the bed.”

“My father’s perfect backyard”

Now, this plain old house is impossible to recognize.

“My girlfriend and I are over 30, and we needed a spot to chill in the summer.”

“My brother built this veranda from scratch for my mother.”

“My backyard fire pit. Everything is ready to start a movie night.”

“Our veranda in Durham, Canada”

“My country house in Canada, that I miss it a lot since moving to Germany.”

“This balcony is tiny but very beautiful thanks to the artificial grass.”

“My friend has a country house. And her attitude toward it is that beauty and order are interconnected things there.”

“My cozy place for summer nights”

“My garden patio with jasmine blooming, and bunnies, birds, and a fountain.”

“I’m pleased to know that my parents feel comfortable sitting on the porch in the evening.”

“My husband and I bought a house a long time ago. We knew for sure that there would be no vegetable garden. We experimented with different things — we tried building hills or creating a lawn. And now, after many years, we got what we had never even dreamed of.”

“My father-in-law had this pile of wooden boards. I took 4 logs from a neighbor and asked a friend for a handrail and balusters. I covered the boards with linoleum and made a playground slide for children.”

When you decided to take matters into your own hands and made the right decision.

  • My dad dreamed of making a playground for his grandchildren. But a month ago, he passed away. I found tools and logs, and began to create. The children are happy, my husband and my mother are proud of me, and my brother, who is a furniture-maker, is shocked. The playground slide was tested by 5 children from 2 to 8 years old! They are happy. © Perefly / Pikabu

Do you have a favorite cozy place where you like to relax? Share your photo in the comments.

Preview photo credit zubr10 / Pikabu


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These gardens look amazing! I can't wait to own my own house and be able to decorate things the way I want!


I would love to watch a movie on this campfire one! and I would actually pay to spend a night in that treehouse!


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