10 Parenting Tricks That Are Life-Savers
Kids are curious, unique and can be hard work — and sometimes parenting can be tough. So any small ways that can make life easier are always welcome. And often, there are easy tips and tricks that you can do to transform a difficult situation into a fun, creative and safe one.
We at Bright Side are sharing these tips because we know that as parents, hacks to make things easier for you and your kids can be life-savers.
1. How to avoid dirty clothes while drawing
2. How to avoid pacifiers getting on the floor.
Tired of your kid dropping their pacifier on the floor, and it’s getting dirty? Tie the pacifier to a balloon, so when they want to get rid of it, it will float up in the air instead.
3. How to create safe and edible paints.
Make edible paints to allow your child to play safely. By mixing sweets and water, you can make easy and edible watercolor paints that your child can make art with and taste.
4. How to get your kids to eat healthy snacks.
If your child wants candy as a snack instead of fruit, you can try this trick. Try wrapping small fruit like grapes in candy wrappers and giving them to your child. They will think they’re getting sweets and will happily eat healthier snacks.
5. How to undo hairstyles without waking your child up.
Use lemon essential oil to melt through hair elastics. This is really useful if you need to take out a hairstyle without waking up a sleepy child.
6. How to get a neat ponytail.
Struggling to do a neat hairstyle on your child? Here is a surprising way that a vacuum cleaner can come in. You can use the tube to gather your child’s hair together to get a neat and easy ponytail.
7. How to keep your baby safe on a chair.
You can use mom or dad’s t-shirt as a tool to keep babies still and safe when sitting on adult chairs. Simply put the shirt over the back of the chair and your child, and it makes dinner time so much less stressful.
8. How to keep little fingers clean.
This simple trick can combat dirty fingers and mess from snacks like ice creams. All you have to do is put a cupcake case on the stick under the ice cream to catch any drips or mess and save yourself from a lot of handwashing.
9. How to spend quality time and get work done.
Here are ways to make it easy to get work done with a child. Like this trick of using a blanket to make a hammock under your desk for your kid to hang out in. That way, you can still focus, but they get to be close to their parent.
10. How to get your kid to drink healthy drinks.
Get your children to drink their water or milk with this trick. Hide their drink behind something they like, such as watermelon, and put the straw through it. They will drink if they think it’s their favorite food or drink.
What is your biggest parenting tip or trick? What advice would you give to fellow parents to make their lives easier?
No offense but I feel like this was written by someone without kids.
Rn I’m oldest child but even little kids have taste buds, they know what’s milk and what’s smth else
It’s been tried soooooo many times😢

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