Scientists Explain Why Facial Skin Starts to Sag Early and How to Fight It

Girls stuff
6 years ago

Our skin loses its elasticity with age — our muscles atrophy, and as a result, we get classic symptoms of aging such as saggy cheeks and chins. This result is unpleasant because a fuzzy face reveals all the years we’ve lived. It seems there is only one way out — to rush to a plastic surgeon. But in reality, things really aren’t that bad. You can get rid of these aging effects at home without undergoing expensive procedures like a facelift.

Today, Bright Side is going to tell you about the best methods that can help correct saggy cheeks. At the end of the article, there is a bonus tip that will explain some very simple but effective muscle strengthening exercises.

The reasons for getting saggy cheeks

1. You constantly use your phone.

If you use your smartphone or tablet often, track the news on Instagram and chat with friends online, there’s a high chance that you’ll see a “smartphone face” staring back at you in the mirror. An excess use of electronic gadgets can lead to a user’s head staying frozen looking down at their gadget’s screen. According to a cosmetic surgeon named Dr. Mervyn Patterson, the constant use of smartphones leads to terrible consequences — a fuzzy face, wrinkles, and a saggy chin.

2. You’ve stopped consuming fatty foods completely.

People who monitor their health often refuse to eat fatty or fried foods and that’s great. However, a total refusal to consume products that contain fats can affect the skin’s condition negatively. Some fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 retain the elasticity of the cell membrane, help to sustain the immune system and according to some research, decrease the risks of getting cancer.

3. Your hormone balance is broken.

One of the main reasons for losing skin elasticity is a lack of estrogen. These female hormones stimulate dermal fibroblasts to create elastin and collagen. As a result, those women that have low estrogen levels end up having saggy skin and premature wrinkles.

4. You eat too many sweets.

There are many books describing the harmful effects of sugar and as it turns out, consuming sugar excessively also affects the elasticity of the skin, which can start the aging process even earlier. According to one popular theory, undigested sugar molecules are able to inhibit collagen and elastin in the skin. Therefore, the more sugar you consume, the saggier your skin becomes.

5. You like to sunbathe and spend a lot of time in the sun.

Ultraviolet rays are dangerous for the skin, especially the part of radiation called UVA. This radiation penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, otherwise known as the dermis. Why is it so dangerous? The dermis consists of 70% collagen which is the natural carcass of your face. UVA rays literally destroy this.

6. You lost weight drastically.

Sudden or drastic weight loss affects your appearance negatively. You may have gotten rid of excess fat but the excess skin will still be there. That’s why if you’re planning to start a diet and lose weight, you should make the process gradual. Experts recommend paying close attention to the facial skin while losing weight and to make use of tightening creams and special exercises.

7. You might be having problems with your teeth.

Problematic wisdom teeth or an incorrect bite can affect the condition of the facial muscles directly. Experts from the University of Michigan held special research which showed that having an incorrect bite affects the face’s attractiveness negatively. Overstrained muscles that appear due to the improper positioning of teeth can lead to the appearance of saggy cheeks.

8. You sleep too little.

A lack of sleep might lead to a saggy face and deep wrinkles too. All because our skin repairs itself at night and the ingredients in night creams act more effectively thanks to better blood circulation when we sleep. Keep in mind that your body loses a lot of moisture while sleeping which is why it’s necessary to use moisturizing creams to prevent the skin from dehydration.

9. You like to jog.

According to a cosmetic surgeon named Dr. Gerald Imber, jogging is not the best idea for athletes of an older age. The combination of unfavorable weather factors (sun, wind), as well as constant shaking, leads to a loss of elasticity and as a result, loose, hanging skin. Undoubtedly, jogging is one of the best methods to lose weight but a drastic loss of fat combined with sports activities that can deform the skin can result in the appearance of “bulldog cheeks”.

10. You often worry about small things.

Our inner worries are often depicted on our face. Lip corners pointed down and furrowed brows will definitely leave a trace on your face. After some time, these facial expressions will become a habit and will be quite difficult to get rid of. Moreover, such depressive conditions lead to an increased level of the cortisol hormone, which directly influences the condition of the skin and hair.

11. You grew older.

The facial muscles that are responsible for supporting the facial skeleton are attached to the bones of the skull only on one side. This is great because we express our emotions with the help of these muscles. But they tend to lose their elasticity after some time, which results in saggy cheeks and a fuzzy face instead of a clear face of an oval shape.

How can we fight saggy cheeks?

1. Cosmetics

  • Creams and serums with a high content of retinol and vitamin C help the skin produce natural collagen.
  • Gels containing aloe vera and peppermint extract improve blood circulation and stimulate the regeneration of skin cells.
  • Creams with high SPF decrease the negative effects of the sun and slow down the aging process.

2. Contouring

Decorative cosmetics help to conceal a fuzzy face and emphasize a face’s strong features. A dark contour applied along the chin line will make this area more vivid. The main thing to remember is to choose the correct shade of the cosmetic item, otherwise, your efforts won’t be noticed by others.

3. A correct diet

It is a well-known fact that everything we eat is reflected on our face. To keep the skin tight, nutritionists recommend consuming products stimulating the production of natural collagen such as lettuce, nuts, avocado, asparagus, and fish.

At the same time, products that retain moisture in the body are strictly forbidden because they cause edemas and swelling — they deform the face resulting in ptosis.

4. Lymphatic drainage massage

Despite its complex name, a lymphatic drainage massage can be done at home. It’s recommended to perform a light peel using a cosmetic item containing fruit acids before the start of the procedure. Afterward, apply some massage oil and warm up the skin so that the muscles can be influenced more easily.

A lymphatic drainage massage should be performed along the main lines of the lymphatic drainage that you can see in the picture above. It stimulates the elimination of toxins, gets rid of puffiness and tightens the skin.

Bonus: exercises for strengthening the facial muscles

  • “Smiling sphinx” — Try to smile only with your lips avoiding the muscles of the eyes.
  • “Buddha’s face” — Relax and concentrate on the spot between the brows. It will help you to feel your muscles and relieve stress.
  • “Chubby cheeks” — Fill your cheeks with air and roll it from one cheek to another.
  • “A blown kiss” — Pull out your lips and press them firmly against your fingers, creating resistance.
  • “Fish” — Suck your cheeks inward between the teeth so that your face looks like a fish.

Perform all these exercises at least 5 times. Only persistence and perseverance will give you the result of tightened skin.

Are you aware of any other secrets to help keep the facial skin tighter? Please share them with us in the comments!

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