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The good news is that there are certain diets and treatments that you can use to help to prevent gray hairs, from copper to teas and vitamins. Because so many of our hair products can be packed full of harmful chemicals, people are now choosing more natural solutions. Making sure that we are getting enough of the correct vitamins and nutrients can be a great start to protecting yourself from premature graying.
Bright Side has found some of the most natural ways that you can delay and treat gray hair, for you to try yourself from the comfort of your own home.
Drinking a cup of this fruit juice a day has many health benefits, being rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants. These can fight the free radicals that may damage our hair, and lead to gray hair. You can also use amla oil directly on your hair to strengthen and promote hair growth, as well as enriching your hair pigment, which may contribute to keeping your natural hair color.
Surprisingly curry leaves can be a great way to prevent premature graying because they have antioxidants and iron in them, as well as other beneficial vitamins and minerals. Studies have found that iron deficiencies can lead to premature graying, so this may be a healthy way to slow down the processes of going gray early.
You can use the curry leaves as an extract mixed with coconut oil for your hair, or you can crush some leaves into a powder and add the powder to the coconut oil.
Sometimes our gray hairs are trying to tell us that our bodies need more nutrients and that it’s time to start taking nutritional supplements. Low levels of vitamins B12, B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), and D3 have been found in people experiencing premature graying, according to a study of 52 people. Topping up on these nutrients may help keep your hair young and healthier for longer.
Sweet potatoes, carrots, red peppers, and mushrooms are just some of the foods that can help to prevent premature graying. This is because they have high levels of an enzyme called catalase, something that is shown to protect your hair pigment. Regularly eating these foods may help to keep your hair protected from turning gray early.
Antioxidants are important when it comes to hair care because they shield you from free radicals from sunlight and pollution. This is why drinking green tea can help your body fight against the effects of free radicals because it is full of nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Adding green tea extracts to your hair (as a shampoo or hair oil) can also help it to stay strong and delay the growth of grays.
Foods full of copper have been found to be very helpful to stop premature grays. This makes food like dark chocolate your friend, since it is bursting with copper. Copper actually plays a very important role in hair pigmentation, because it is a crucial part of melanin, the dark pigment that colors our skin, eyes, and hair. Melanin relies on copper, and without enough of it, our hair can gray.
Almonds are packed with vitamin E and A, both important nutrients for keeping our hair looking young. Regularly massaging small amounts of this oil into your damp hair after a shower may help to protect your hair’s graying process by defending it against oxidants and free radicals. This will help to keep your hair strong and protected against damage, including premature graying.
You can use cold black tea as an after-shampoo rinse or add it to your leave-in conditioner. Over time the tannins in the tea can darken your gray hairs, without causing any damage. You can repeat as many times as you want until your hair is dark enough.
All you need to do is steep 3-5 tea bags, or a few teaspoons, of black tea leaves, in 1 cup of boiling water. Once it is cold, apply it to your hair and leave it for one hour before rinsing it out with cold water.
This nifty treatment for gray hair can help you to cover it without any harmful chemicals. You can use it by heating the bhringraj in a pan over low heat. Once cooled, apply a small amount of the oil onto the top of your head and gently massage it into your scalp and the roots to allow it to be absorbed. You can repeat this twice a week to start with, then reducing it to only once a week.
One of our favorite pick-me-ups can also cover your gray hairs by staining them to make them darker. Coffee has the effect of dying your hair, although not permanently. It is a good option for quickly darkening your hair a shade or 2. Simply brew a strong cup of dark-roast coffee, add 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds, and a cup of conditioner. After washing your hair use the coffee conditioner on damp hair.
To allow the color to set into your hair, leave the coffee conditioner in your hair for one hour with your hair in a shower cap. Finally, rinse it out until the water runs clean. The “dye” should last for up to 2 weeks.
How do you feel about gray hair? What are your techniques for dealing with it?