11 Unusual Ways to Use Pads and Pantyliners That Will Make Your Life Easier

Tips & tricks
8 months ago

The first ever mention of sanitary pads dates back to 4th century CE. Nowadays, they can be found in almost every household. The material used for pads and pantyliners is designed to absorb and store liquid while keeping its outside layer dry and soft. That is why pads and panty liners can have many unusual, but very handy, uses.

1. Drawer freshener

You can use pads and pantyliners to make your drawers smell very nice. Spray your favorite perfume or place a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a pad or pantyliner and place it in the drawer between your clothes, towels, or underwear.

2. Screen cleaning

Sweat, dust, oils from your skin, sunscreen, and makeup — all of it gets on the screens of your gadgets and builds up into something truly disgusting. The material used for pads and pantyliners is very soft and delicate which makes it a good alternative to screen wipes. Add a drop of water to a pantyliner and clean your screen.

3. Against corns

Most of us probably have at least one pair of shoes that look very cool and stylish but that constantly give us blisters or corns. Cut a few strips from a pantyliner and place them inside your shoes, in places where you experience the discomfort.

4. Sliding in high heels

If you like wearing high heels, you’ve most likely noticed that on warm days your feet get sweaty and can start sliding or sticking to the insole of the shoes. To prevent this unpleasant experience, insert pantyliners into the shoes. They will absorb the moisture and will be totally invisible.

5. Shoe odor

When we sweat, we smell. Bacteria loves a warm and wet environment and grows like crazy in it, creating an awful smell. Use pads instead of the shoe insoles in your running shoes or work boots, to prevent unpleasant odors. Because of the sticky surface, the pads won’t slide and all the moisture will be absorbed.

6. Uncomfortable bras

If you’ve ever been in a situation where the underwire breaks through the fabric of your bra, you will agree that it could drive anyone crazy. Use pantyliners for your bra if it has an uncomfortable and sharp underwire. Cut the pantyliner and wrap it around the underwire, soft side out.

7. Spill cleanup

Pads can absorb liquid exceptionally well which makes them a very good cleaning tool for small spills, especially if you had an accident in a car or on a carpet. Just cover the spill with the soft side, apply some pressure to get as much liquid as the pad can absorb, repeating with another one if needed, and the problem is solved.

8. Make up and nail polish removal

Run out of cotton balls? No problem, pantyliners are the perfect material for removing makeup or nail polish. Cut a small piece from a pad and apply a few drops of makeup or nail polish remover, the pad’s material is very soft and safe to use on skin.

9. Sweat stains

Most of us have probably had to deal with this problem during the summer. To prevent sweat stains on your shirt, place pantyliners on the inside armpit area. They’re thin enough to be invisible and will absorb any moisture preventing you from getting those awful yellowish stains.

10. Bandage

Pads and pantyliners are also very good to use as bandages if you have a bleeding cut or scratch. Place it soft side to the skin and keep it there until it stops bleeding. The pad will absorb the blood.

11. Sunglass protection

If you are concerned that your sunglasses may get scratched in a soft case, pantyliners can help you to avoid that. Line the case with pantyliners and the problem is solved. You can also use pantyliners to wipe your sunglasses.

Do you have any other successful ideas about unusual ways to use pads and pantyliners? Tell us about it in the comments.


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