Hair loss affects a significant number of men worldwide. Some perceive it as a huge loss: “I feel like I don’t look young anymore. I feel I will have no luck with women now. I almost feel like my worth is less now. I don’t know how I can get past this or what to do about it, like if I can survive this or just suffer forever.” Others have discovered that embracing baldness can lead to newfound confidence and a stronger sense of self. This article explores how men can embrace their baldness, delves into scientific insights related to bald men, and shares real-life stories of individuals who turned hair loss into a positive transformation.
Beards are back, and 2025 is proving to be the year of bold, stylish facial hair. Men are embracing beards that not only complement their features but also make a serious fashion statement. Whether you're into a clean fade or a full, textured masterpiece, these 9 trendy beard styles are turning heads this year—some of them might even surprise you.
It’s not just hair; it’s the difference between the man you know and a total stranger in the mirror. The simple act of getting a haircut or trimming a beard can drastically alter a man’s appearance. Here are 14 men who groomed themselves into an incredible transformation and are feeling great about it.
We hope you are not one of those people who believe that black cats bring bad luck. In Japan, for example, a black cat is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Let’s see what other myths about our furry friends exist out there.
A bizarre question has recently ignited a heated debate across social media. What began as a simple spark of curiosity quickly turned into a viral discussion, with countless people eager for an answer. The question, which left many utterly fascinated, was: “Do women still get their periods while in a coma?” Eventually, doctors weighed in with an explanation, and one even shared a truly mind-boggling piece of information that left many people stunned.
As it turns out, more than 46 million homes in the U.S. have a cat. Imagine how many more would love to have a feline friend jumping around their furniture, but can’t because they are allergic. What if they can, though? Let’s check 9 cat breeds that are hypoallergenic, and you can adopt if allergies plague you.
In 2025, men’s haircuts are all about mixing classic styles with some modern twists. Whether you’re going for a short, sharp cut or something a bit more relaxed, there’s a style for every man. Here are the top men’s haircut trends for 2025.
A bizarre question has recently sparked a heated debate across social media. What started as an innocent spark of curiosity, grew up into an absolutely viral discussion, with many people wanting to know the answer immediately. A question that made people die of curiosity, sounded like this, “Do women still get their periods while in a coma?” And finally, doctors shared an explanation and one of them even provided absolutely mind-boggling information that shattered the minds of many.
Getting a pet is like opening a door to a world of love, learning, and, yes, a little bit of mess. Pets for kids aren’t just cute companions — they teach responsibility, empathy, and the importance of caring for something other than themselves. Plus, they’re great at dishing out unconditional love.But before you rush to the pet store, let’s talk about what it takes to pick the perfect family pet — and make sure everyone (yes, even the kids!) is ready for the responsibility.
No one knows when humans started kissing, but it’s clear that kissing isn’t something everyone does. It seems more like a cultural thing than something we’re born knowing. So, let’s rewind and explore what might have caused kissing.
There is a reason why these items have captured the hearts and minds of buyers. You’ll understand the hype over these products after trying them, too. Let’s not waste another minute and discover what makes these best sellers so irresistible!
As the weather gets hotter, many women remove hair from their bodies using methods like shaving or waxing before going to the beach or wearing a skirt. However, two young women say that having smooth, hairless skin doesn’t have to be a must-do but is more like a choice.
Lions, elephants, and bears. Three of the most beautiful yet intimidating members of the animal kingdom. But what intimidates these creatures? If anything? You might be surprised! Let’s take a look!
Check this out! Each zebra has its own unique pattern of stripes, just as people have their own unique fingerprints. Is it just a myth, or is it the truth? What do you think?
A video of a mom waxing her 3-year-old’s unibrow so that she doesn’t get teased by her peers went viral online. While a big number of people supported her, many others have criticized the mom, saying that she was contributing to making her daughter insecure as she grows older. The 31-year-old filmed a response video explaining herself, and we’re curious to see if you agree with her.
Thanks to movies, we tend to believe that Vikings were tough, unkempt, hairy men dressed in dirty clothes. And only experts know that these Scandinavian warriors were some of the most well-groomed people in Europe who loved to don creative hairstyles, charm English ladies, and even invented what we know to be a honeymoon.
As the years go by, our bodies are constantly changing. For some people, however, these physical changes are more drastic and surprising. Whether it naturally happens due to puberty or because they made it happen through weight loss or a different style of grooming, the results are no less impressive. When these folks take to social media to share their transformations, everyone stops wide-eyed to take in the “before and after” shots.
Here’s a piece of information we all needed to hear: Frequent shopping prolongs life. “Retail therapy” may not always be so much about buying things as it is about seeking ways to communicate or exercise. These things are pretty important to stay afloat.Online shopping, luckily, has its perks too — it helps you to avoid lines and be able to read reviews before buying, for instance. So, we invite you to our safe sale space, where we have compiled all the best deals just for you.
Eyebrows are one of the essential features of the face. You could even say that more than any other element of your face because, if they are well groomed, they can highlight your natural beauty and even give you a little more character. More and more specialists can help you shape them in a balanced way. But price and time can easily be an issue, so fixing them at home can be a good solution.
Elderly pet owners make 30% fewer doctor visits. It seems like the perfect reason to spoil your pet, if you have one. If you don’t, maybe this is the last straw you need to convince yourself to finally adopt a furry friend.In order to spoil our cats and dogs even more, Bright Side put together a list of the things we would like to have if we were cats and dogs.
Asia is home to nearly 60% of the Earth’s population. This continent is the birthplace to some of the world’s earliest civilizations, like Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley civilization as well as ground-breaking inventions such as gunpowder and paper-making. Even today, Asia never ceases to amaze us with its technological and social innovations which, to a Westerner, might seem like something out of a futuristic sci-fi film.
On average, American men use 4.1 products and spend 48 minutes per day on grooming. Whether it’s a change in hairstyle or letting their beard grow out, they have tons of tricks up their sleeve to boost their appearance. The results of their self-care routines are remarkable and they often take to social media to share them.
Owning a horse comes with tremendous advantages, they give emotional support, they’re fun to be with, and they breathe elegance and pure beauty. Things become more interesting when you share everything with your horse, even your appearance. Naomie displayed some photos with her look-alike horse, Storm, that were deeply appreciated by her community.
Prince Harry looks dashing with his red beard and is used to kids wanting to stroke or tug at it. One such kid was Luke, a boy with special needs, who didn’t say much but found comfort in Prince Harry’s facial hair. He loved beards and Santa Claus and probably didn’t even realize he was in the presence of royalty. This just goes to show that beards do more than serve as grooming styles for men — they help people bond and encourage sweet stories too.
If you have a cat at home, you’ve likely been lucky enough to get a small lick as a “thank you” for something you did. But this is rare, since usually, it’s dogs who exhibit this type of behavior, and we’re used to their moist and soft “kisses.” On the other hand, your kitty’s kisses normally feel rough, almost as if its tongue was made of sandpaper. Well, as it turns out, a cat’s tongue hides a special secret that makes it very special, explaining its coarseness.
There is basically one main reason for buying a dog and it usually sounds like, “I want a dog really bad!” And there are also a number of reasons to give a dog away, which include a sudden allergy, the birth of a baby, financial issues, and a lack of time. However, sometimes the owner is simply not ready for the specifics of a certain breed. While it can be easy to find the right approach to one type of dog, other types might require a certain level of preparation. Our 4-legged friends can disobey, bite us, destroy our homes, and ruin our belongings.
Lions, tigers, and bears all have different preferences when it comes to their living situation — lions live in prides, and tigers and bears are mostly solitary. But sometimes life makes for odd couplings (or triple-ings). A trio of these animals decided to form their own little weird pack and they live together in harmony, despite belonging to different species. From the trauma they faced together when they were young, these guys generated a unique bond. One that we can all learn from. This special BLT (bear, lion, tiger), as the group is known, is a reflection of how all animals can grow to love each other, despite coming from different worlds.
A visit to a professional hairdresser can transform not only humans, but their best friends too. Besides, many dog breeds have to get haircuts regularly to prevent overheating or problems with eyesight. And grooming often transforms pets so much, that their owners start to wonder, “Are you sure this is my dog?”
Endless hours of applying makeup and styling hair in the morning might seem like an episode of a horror movie to some of us. Though it seems that this routine might be worth the effort. Enhancing our beauty not only has a positive effect on our mood, but it also changes how other people perceive us. Moreover, the right look can be the first step in radically changing one’s life.
Contrary to popular belief, cats can actually form bonds with their owners just like other pets do. A study found that cats have social-cognitive abilities and, similar to babies, your cat can see you as their parent and create a sense of attachment.
6.5 million animals end up in shelters every year according to statistics. There are a few reasons why pets get abandoned by their owners. Problematic or aggressive behavior, bigger than expected size, and health issues are just some of them. Luckily, not everyone thinks like that. Because about a half of those animals (3.2 million) get adopted and find their new and loving homes.
Christian Dior once said: “Simplicity, good taste, and grooming are the three fundamentals of good dressing and these do not cost money.” Some of us tend to forget about the third one, which undermines the value of the first two. Many can relate to a situation where a beautiful image created by your new shoes is spoiled by a price tag you forgot to peel off.