Autoimmune conditions can be tricky—they often start with subtle symptoms that are easy to overlook or dismiss as everyday fatigue or stress. But what if those small annoyances, like lingering exhaustion or random aches, are actually your body trying to tell you something more? Many people go years without realizing their immune system is working against them. Paying attention to the early warning signs could make all the difference in getting the right care sooner. In this article, we’ll explore some common red flags that might be worth a second look.
Stress is part of almost everyone's life, unfortunately, it's hard to avoid it in this modern world, which constantly changes and requires our attention. Our body can send signals to warn us if our stress level is too high. So if you experience any of these symptoms, don't ignore them, check them out with a professional.
Gum health plays a massive role in your overall well-being, but it’s often overlooked. Let’s learn the nitty-gritty of gum health, what different gum colors mean, and how you can maintain healthy gums for life.
Logan Pacl is no ordinary teenager. At 17, he battles a rare, devastating condition known as Sanfilippo syndrome. It's a cruel disorder often dubbed "childhood Alzheimer's" for the heartbreaking way it robs children of their cognitive abilities, just as Alzheimer's does to the elderly. Imagine the unthinkable—watching your child’s memories fade, their development unravels, right before your eyes.
With the help of colorful advertising, manufacturers manage to sell us absolutely useless things. We diligently search for these items on the supermarket shelves, spend a lot of money on them, recommend them to our friends and family, and then we are disappointed to find out that they are totally useless. Or that they work quite well, but are very overpriced.
Only two-thirds of Americans want to share a bed with their partner, challenging the conventional belief that a shared bed is a cornerstone of a healthy relationship. In fact, sleeping in separate beds or rooms has been found to reduce disturbances during sleep cycles, alleviate sleep-related issues, and contribute to overall well-being. More people are realizing the benefits of sleeping alone, so we explore why this change is happening and how it positively affects both physical health and relationships.
We all know that the common allergies people suffer from are usually related to specific food, skin and the respiratory system. But there are also some rare types of allergens like sun, sweat, cold weather and even water. The last condition affects only about 250 people worldwide.
This remarkable story is a testament to the enduring human capacity for survival and adaptation in the face of profound isolation. As we reflect on this extraordinary journey, let it serve as a reminder of the remarkable resilience of the human spirit.
David Phillip Vetter, a little boy with a rare condition called SCID, was born without a functioning immune system. His journey unfolded in a special plastic bubble, captivating hearts and impacting millions of lives even over 50 years later. Let’s explore the enduring legacy of this brave boy.
This creature first appeared on our planet around a billion years ago. It thrives in damp environments and can survive pretty much anywhere — it might be in your basement as we speak. I think you’ve already guessed I’m talking about mold here.
Okay, yes — it’s possible to rotate your eyes, but you can’t do it without some practice! Our eyes have 4 major muscles that allow them to move up and down and side to side. There’re actually 2 more muscles that we use without knowing, as well. These muscles help you roll or rotate your eyes!We can focus on something rotating, and our eyes will start rotating with it! This helps us have a stable image and keep a clear vision, like an autofocus on a camera. When you move your head side to side and up and down, your eyes will move in the opposite direction!
Flies are everywhere we go, literally. It is believed that flies originated in Asia, but these days they live everywhere people live, only excluding Antarctica, and — maybe — a couple of islands. Flies have traveled the oceans following humans, but they never go anywhere alone. In the wilderness and deserts, where humans are absent, you won’t find any flies.
The adverse effects of sleep deprivation on one’s health are well-known. However, it’s worth noting that oversleeping can also have negative consequences on one’s well-being and may be just as harmful. As per scientific recommendations, individuals aged between 26 and 64 should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily, with any deviation from this range having potential health implications.
David Phillip Vetter spent 9 months in his mother’s womb, and just seconds after his birth, he was placed inside a plastic bubble and never left it. David suffered from a rare condition called SCID — which meant he had no functioning immune system. Let’s find out together how this little boy’s story cannot be forgotten, even more than 50 years after his birth, and how he changed the lives of millions of people.
Laughter can stimulate the work of your organs, relieve your pain, improve your immune system and your mood, and make you more relaxed. Seems like there is absolutely no reason to miss out on an opportunity to have a laugh as often as you can.We highly recommend checking out these fun buys that will hopefully crack you up to your benefit!
A young woman with vitiligo who endured criticism from her peers has defied the odds and become a famous fashion model. But while it may sound easy when we put her story into words, it most certainly wasn’t. Her path to self-acceptance and love took a lot of effort. But one day, she woke up and decided that enough was enough. And that’s when Bright Side decided to share her story with its readers.
Usually, manufacturers have to create needs in potential consumers to sell their products. And some of these needs have nothing to do with reality. For example, they try to make us believe that split ends are some sort of a disease or that gluten is dangerous for your health. We decided to find out what “problems” were created by marketers to make us buy more.
It’s impossible to clean out all bacteria since bacteria are a significant and essential part of our body. There are thousands of billions of microbes inside us that take part in important processes needed for the normal functioning of our organisms.
Mosquitos can be truly annoying, and no one likes to hear all the buzzing around their ears and feelings of itchiness. Believe it or not, there may be several reasons if you aren’t a constant victim of mosquito bites. Research shows that 37.5% of people say they get bitten more often than others, and 27.5% say they get bitten less frequently. Our genetics and other factors influence whether we’ll get bitten more often than not and vice versa.
A video posted on TikTok gained millions of views after it showed strollers being left alone on the street while babies napped inside them. This may seem unusual to most people, but this happens to be the cultural norm in Denmark. And now we’re sharing more details about this viral clip and other interesting facts about outdoor sleeping for infants.
Today, there are many material ways to keep you feeling and looking young, like lotions, creams, etc. But staying youthful can be way easier and less time-consuming — it can simply be walking barefoot in nature. A couple of studies found that taking your shoes off and “earthing” can have more benefits than you might believe. However, it’s advisable to check with a healthcare professional first, as it’s not a substitute for medical interventions or therapy.
The human body is as complex as it is fascinating. Our tiny little systems interact with each other in a chain reaction of responses, caused either by the environment or through our own personal decisions. It has been studied for thousands of years, and yet we are still discovering new things about it. That’s why we at Bright Side want to take a look at these 8 jaw-dropping facts that you’ve probably never heard before.
Each cell in the human body has its own physiology and DNA. Researchers can’t quantify the ratio of human cells to microbiota in our bodies. In 2016, scientists mapped the most abundant bacteria in humans and found that we have approximately the same percentage of human and microbial cells, notably in our digestive systems. These microorganisms defend us from germs, help digestion, and create vitamins.That’s why we at Bright Side would like to shed some light on 6 phenomena for which we have yet to find a scientific explanation.
Even a simple hug can be life-saving. Well, maybe not completely, but at least it has multiple benefits for our health. It’s hard to disagree since all of them are backed by science. So next time someone is hugging you, make it last a bit longer to absorb all the benefits better.
Exploring science might save the day. But often people pass off something as the ultimate truth when in reality it’s all just your run-of-the-mill myth. We have all heard and know almost all of them. And no matter how absurd they are we start to believe in them. Starting with the one about getting arthritis from cracking your knuckles and finishing with the one about each of us swallowing 8 spiders in our sleep every year.
A survey that was taken back in 2018 showed that 22% of its participants reported feeling angry, while 39% felt extremely worried. And while anger is a state of mind that is necessary for our survival, it often gets out of hand when our stress levels increase. And it can have many physical symptoms that we rarely realize until they have progressed quite a bit.
Watching funny photos or videos is not really a time-wasting activity, but it can help you to tackle stress. Doctors say that a good laugh not only relieves stress response but also improves the immune system in the long term.
The mere act of smiling (even a forced one) can do wonders for the body, according to experts. A simple grin can trigger the brain into releasing happy hormones, which are good for the immune system. So even if you weren’t genuinely feeling joy, turning a frown upside down will instantly shift your mood and keep you healthy as well.
Breastfeeding is one of the most intimate moments you can share with your baby. It promotes healthy weight gain, makes your baby experience fewer digestive problems, such as colic or gas, and strengthens their immune system. However, this experience can also be rather challenging, especially for new moms.
Normally, we wouldn’t make a playful joke with a stranger at the gas station or with someone we barely know. This is because we only make fun of the people we love, trust, and confide in. The idea of a joke with the person you love is not supposed to be harsh, like an insult, but in fact a way to show affection in a high-spirited manner. By doing this, you can unlock a sense of acceptance between each other.
A simple smile doesn’t require a lot of effort, but it works wonders for our health, scientists claim. It can boost our immune system, relieve pain, and even lower blood pressure. So, as it turns out, there’s a good alternative to swallowing bitter pills and medications — and all you need to do to feel better is produce a smile or 2.
Sleeping on a hard floor when you have a perfectly cozy bed might sound like madness. But, as it turns out, even though it might not be that comfortable, it can be very beneficial to your health. An improved immune system, increased lung capacity, and less back pain are only a few of the benefits that you’ll gain when you start sleeping on the floor.
There isn’t much we can do to tell how our day will unfold. Some days are good. Some days are normal. Some are bad. And some days... well, we just need a warm, reassuring hug.Studies have shown that a sincere hug can save the day. For example, a hug helps the body release feel-good hormones, reduce stress, decrease cholesterol, and increase the strength of the immune system. And boy do we need one when things go south! A comforting hug can indeed undo a bad day.
Turning your heater on might be your go-to option when cold days arrive. And while it’s a good feeling to not shiver when you get out from under a pile of blankets in the morning, your immune system might feel otherwise. Sleeping with the heater on during the night can make you more prone to infections and other serious diseases, and also make the inside air toxic.
Sometimes all we can do is laugh and take a picture to share. And that’s great. Laughter boosts the immune system, helps with pain by releasing endorphins (our bodies’ natural “feel good” chemicals), burns calories, helps create great bonds, and also helps with stress management.
We spend 3.5 months of our lives hitting the snooze button. And although doing so once in a while won’t really affect you, snoozing regularly can do much more than cause you to sleep worse at night. Turns out, sneaking in more sleep after your alarm goes off might affect your weight, your skin, and even your reproductive health.