Real-Life TARZAN Was Found in a Jungle Where He Lived for 41 Years

8 months ago

This remarkable story is a testament to the enduring human capacity for survival and adaptation in the face of profound isolation. As we reflect on this extraordinary journey, let it serve as a reminder of the remarkable resilience of the human spirit.

The journey into seclusion

At the age of 49, Ho Van Lang had spent 41 years dwelling in the depths of the Vietnamese jungle alongside his father, Ho Van Thanh, and his brother, Tri. Their journey into the wilderness began in 1972, when Ho Van Thanh decided to escape civilization following the tragic loss of his wife and two other children.

During their remarkable jungle existence, the trio encountered a mere five individuals throughout those four decades, and each time they crossed paths, they hastily retreated into the dense foliage to remain hidden from the outside world.

They remained concealed and unaware of women.

Ten years ago, the trio ended their isolation in Vietnam’s Tay Tra district. They were brought to a village where Ho Van Lang encountered women for the first time. He had no idea that women existed. Surprisingly, Ho Van Thanh had never explained the concept of women to his son.

Alvaro Cerezo found the family in 2015, noted that despite being able to distinguish between men and women, Ho Van Lang still lacks a fundamental understanding of the differences between them.

Lang’s remarkable survival skills

According to Docastaway, Lang possesses remarkable survival skills, capable of hunting for sustenance using various methods and thriving solely in the wilderness. His diet consists of fruits, honey, monkeys, snakes, lizards, and frogs, with a particular preference for the head of a rat.

Describing his brother Lang, Tri characterizes him as a “baby in a man’s body.” He adds, “Lang doesn’t understand many basic social concepts. He has spent his whole life in the jungle.”

Courageous Lang adapts easily to a new life beyond the jungle.

“If I asked Lang to harm someone, he would do it severely,” Tri remarks. “Lang is just a child. He doesn’t know anything. Most people know what is good or bad in life, but my brother doesn’t.”

Lang’s first year outside the jungle was challenging, as his immune system needed to adapt to new bacteria. However, Cerezo notes that he is now “happily adjusting to his new life” and finds joy in witnessing the harmonious interactions between animals and people, a stark contrast to his previous existence.

He is unfazed by fear and continues to explore the uncertainties.

Cerezo shares, “Lang was probably the most adorable human I have ever met in my life, he just doesn’t know what is good or bad.” Interestingly, their father, Ho Van Thanh, still harbors a deep fear of returning to normal life. He nurtures a hope of returning to the jungle someday.

As he continues to explore life in his new journey, he remains brave and becomes open-minded. This tale of solitude, survival, and the longing for connection tugs at the heartstrings, reminding us of the profound impact human connection can have on our lives.

Lang’s journey from the jungle to a new life showcases the resilience and transformative power of the human spirit, a testament to our boundless potential. Not only that, there is a man and a dog who got lost in the seas, but they survived through hard conditions and continued to thrive until they were rescued.


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